SAHAR back to ZHAO VILLA.....

CITY P....

SAHAR went to her father house .Her father is a business man in modelling world.He was at home when he received a phone call from SAHAR that she is coming home.ZHAONEIL was waiting for his only daughter SAHAR , love of his life from whom he loves the most in this lifetime .....BELLA.

ZHAONIEL said to his chef to made a favourite dishes for SAHAR. ZHAONIEL was living with his mother ,sister ROSY and Younger brother JAIN . His sister is helping him in modelling management as vice C.E.O. his brother is a movie director & writer .

Suddenly a cab reached at Zhao villa. outside the villa SAHAR came out from cab and paid to cab driver. Gatekeeper recognised SAHAR and came forward to help her and took her bags from her. She entered in Villa gates ,she was looking around Because she came back after two years. SAHAR went to study abroad that's why she was away from her mother and father. when ZHAONIEL & BELLA missed her they went to meet her abroad separately. Zhao villa hasn't changed much. It's simple & beautiful.

ting tong !

ting tong !.....door opened.

ZHAONIEL was the one who opened a door ,

came forward to hug SAHAR .

"DAD !(smiled)...why did you open the door?

'Because I want to welcome my girl ...SAHO'.

[ZHAONIEL called SAHAR with her Nick name SAHO]

'Come inside ! everyone is waiting for you ' ( happy look)

"I missed you dad" (sad)

'not as much like me'( smiled)

They entered in villa where everyone was waiting on lunch table for her. Food was prepared as her favourite dishes.

granda ma :--welcome ! SAHO ....I miss you too.

aunty ROSY :- me too.

uncle JAIN :- It's almost two years we saw looks little weak & pale.

SAHAR :--Thank you !...I am alright.dont worry about me.i miss you all.

grand ma :---You are Zhao princess how can't we worry about you. BELLA hasn't took care of you.See ! you look weak this ...all your favourite dishes are well.

SAHAR sat left side between her father and grand ma otherside aunty & uncle sat beside right side of Father ZHAONIEL....They enjoyed their lunch .Her father took day off from his work .

After lunch ZHAONIEL took her bag towards her room. From behind grand ma said --

I am sad to see them like this. Rosy do you think they can over come on BELLA . I wish both can forget BELLA and move forward in life.

ROSY said --- mom ! you know that everything will change but ZHAONIEL can't. He will leave the Zhao company but can't leave BELLA .

JAIN said:--They has been divorced already.

ROSY :---For her ( BELLA) happiness he signed the divorce papers .He loves her Whole heartedly ,he will wait for her till end of his life. so don't expect from brother that he will forget her & move on.

Grand ma :--ohh ....(sad) my god ! please help my child to live like living person not a heartless working man who is working for without any aim . he is just waiting for someone to came back to him but she will never returned back to him. BELLA you broke my son heart so badly . (sad)


Inside SAHAR room :

ZHAONIEL :--Saho ! Daddy miss you a lot ...(hugged her)...

SAHAR :-- I know dad but .....I know you miss mom a lot than me. ( sad)

ZHAONIEL :- Yeah ! know me well. I can feel her in you. I can see her silhouette in you .

So now my love is back.(smiled)

SAHAR :-- This time ..... DAD ! we lost mom... She left you years ago but she left me with you for that man KAY this time. .....I won't forgive her. From now on I have only you DAD.....(still hugging her dad & tears came out )

ZHAONIEL :-- don't say like that.....Say it clear what happened ? (surprised)

SAHAR :--DAD left the city T for that man KAY.....She said to me that she loves him .She never loved you in her lifetime.She was in this relationship just because she was waiting for me to grown up and ....left me after that to live with that man....

(angry) She is a betrayer who broke her lovely family & their love towards her.She broke your heart ,a man who love her most. she broke my trust in a mother who can never betray her own child just for her selfish greed or love...I HATE HER.....I WILL NEVER MEET HER AGAIN....FROM NOW ON SHE IS STRANGER TO ME. ( tears fell continuosly)

ZHAONIEL :--(smiled)..... Don't talk like that....She is always your mother & She will be your mother. so It's disrespectfull for your know I can't hear anything bad about her....

SAHAR :--(sorrowful) Dad....she can act to disrespect you , your love , our Zhao family and me .....but we can't say a words bad for her...ohh dad ...please come out from your dream. she left you years ago but I still had the hope that we can be together . I thought mom gave me the permission to meet you. so she will reopen her heart for you & your love and will accept you again.....but I am wrong dad ....she left you and me.....She was just holding her back to this years.... (hate towards her mother just in her anger)

Dad ! why did she do this to us ?

why did she hurt you like this ?

Why did she break your heart like this?

Why did she break my trust in her ?

Why did she choose that man KAY over her own family ?

WHY ?....WHY ?...WHY?...(cry loudly)

ZHAONIEL consoled SAHAR and tapped her shoulder to not cry and calmed her. He was more broken than her because BELLA left her years ago after their divorce but this time she really left her for the man KAY...It's finally end for ZHAONIEL that someone took his soul from his heart .this time really something broken in his body. something really came out from his heart like liquid. His heart apart from his body and blood came out but what he can do... . Nothing ! BELLA choosed KAY & KAY'S love over ZHAONIEL & SAHAR.. ...

ZHAONIEL came back from his lost thoughts and he smiled towards SAHAR , said---- your mother choose love . I know her well .I will wait for him till last of my I am also choosing my love towards her .So don't ever tell bad about her . That abusive words would not be for her but for me and my love.

SAHAR :---Are you blind in her love dad ?....she left you and choosed that man KAY .....She betrayed you .(disappointed)

ZHAONIEL :---She can never betray me ...(see face to face ) She sent you to me so I can live more in hope of her coming back. I believe she will be back to me in future. I will never force her. So we will wait for her to came back to us.

(hugged sahar again and lost in his thoughts and sadness)

SAHAR :---DAD.....can you tell me what happened years ago that mom asked you for divorce and you gave her divorce despite you loved her most(ZHAONIEL didn't spoke).....Do you know about KAY & MOM already that's why you didn't get shocked when I said to you I right?(shocked)

ZHAONIEL :--'s better Sahar that you don't ask me this again.... "Because I don't want to loose you now"'s between me and your mom. I hope you will understand us .

When time will come ,I will tell you then you will understand why your mom did this .

So please don't angry on her too much that your anger became your hate and I can never be able to change your hate in love again.I will lost you that day .

Bella wanted her daughter to be a good person just like her but when she met you again in the future I don't want to ashamed her bringing up who work hard for you and blamed me that I failed myself according to her hopes. So SAHO ! would you help me in it.

SAHAR :---ohhh ! dad can a person be in too much love with someone but his love can't be reciprocate.....I feel like love is a betrayal....(see in his father's eyes)...who can broke you eternally . What is this LOVE---PAINFULL & BETRAYFULL .?

ZHAONIEL :---Don't say like this ...(laugh) is life . Unless you can fall in for some one how would you know about the LOVE . how can you be judgemental towards LOVE & LOVERS .hmm?...Every person has his own journey of love and life .You have to choose what you want from your life .your heart will give you the right way of love and your mind will give you the right way of life.

SAHAR :---whats in your case dad ?...

ZHAONIEL :---.....(sad)....I used my mind to get love for "me" but when I started "my heart" to love 'her' , She left me.....(tears fell from one eyes)'s mean I took wrong desicion in Love where I choose "my mind" to 'love her' not "my heart"....That is called by BELLA ---- " A mind game" not " Love" .

SAHAR :---don't be like this dad !....I felt heart broken for you....You have me and I have you from now on...we no need to anyone in future.So promise me you will be my side present and in future ....

ZHAONIEL :---You are my life SAHO !

.how can't I be with you ?.I Promise you !....I will protect you from everything .(both hugged with tears)

(inner thoughts-' bella ....I will wait for you.... Please don't take too long that we won't meet again.....I don't know how much can I hold on my breath....)

ZHAONIEL :---(wiping tears of SAHAR)....okay....take a rest.....! we will talk later about others.(left the room)
