SAHAR took permission......

SAHAR :---DAD.....can you tell me what happened years ago that MOM asked you for divorce and you gave her divorce despite you loved her most(ZHAONIEL didn't spoke).....Do you know about KAY & MOM already that's why you didn't get shocked when I said to you I right?(shocked)

ZHAONIEL :--'s better SAHAR that you don't ask me this again.... Because "I don't want to loose you now"'s between me and your mom. I hope you will understand us .

When time will come ,I will tell you then you will understand why your mom did this .

So please don't angry on her too much that your anger became your hate and I can never be able to change your hate in love again.I will lost you that day .

BELLA wanted her daughter to be a good person just like her but when she met you again in the future I don't want to ashamed her bringing up who work hard for you and blamed me that I failed myself according to her hopes. So SAHO ! would you help me in it.

SAHAR :---ohhh ! DAD can a person be in too much love with someone but his love can't be reciprocate.....I feel like love is a betrayal....(see in his father's eyes)...your love broke you eternally . What is this LOVE---PAINFULL & BETRAYFULL .?

ZHAONIEL :---Don't say like this ...(laugh) is life . Unless you fell in for some one how would you know about the LOVE . how can you be judgemental towards LOVE & LOVERS .hmm?...Every person has his own journey of love and life .You have to choose what you want from your life .your heart will give you the right way of love and your mind will give you the right life.

SAHAR :---whats in your case dad ? (retorted)

ZHAONIEL :---.....(sad)....I used my mind to get love for me but when I started my heart to love her ,She left me.....(tears fell from one eyes)'s mean I took wrong desicion in Love where I choose my mind to love her not my heart....That is called by BELLA ---- " A mind game" not " Love" .

SAHAR :---don't be like this DAD !....I felt heart broken for you....You have me and I have you from now on...we no need to anyone in future.So promise me you will be my side present and in future ....

ZHAONIEL :---You are my life... my can't i be with you ?...Promise you !....I will protect you from everything .(both hugged with tears)

(inner thoughts-' BELLA ....I will wait for you.... Please don't take too long that we won't meet again.....I don't know how much would I be able to hold on my breath....)

ZHAONIEL :---okay....take a rest.....! we will talk later about others.

SAHAR looked around her room .As still same years before ...she opened her bag and put her whole things inside cupboard .She choose a simple wear and took a shower then slept on her bed.

when she woke up again it's already dark outside .She went to bathroom after few seconds she got a e - mail from a company name --" XUO COMPANY "

Hello ! ZHAO SAHAR ....

this mail is to notify you that you can join the xuo company from tommorow morning 9:00 a.m to repay 5400$ of loan .If you didn't reach to the company at right time . we will go to the court and you will lost your chance....Thank you....

SAHAR read the email and got surprised that how can they get her email id ....She didn't gave them any card.....That " CRY BABY MAN "

was so hyper that just a one little drop of coffee fell on his coat and he was acting like I tore his coat in pieces. even I was awful with the drops of coffee on my top and skirt..... (angry)

But he said --- That coat was from his mom. he was looking so sentimental towards his coat. I think the coat was a gift from her mother. or.... it was a gift from his late mother .....(sad).....

by the way SAHAR ! you did mistake so you have to face it.....I can't say about this to I have to think a way to talk to him about my job...Think sahar ! think...

IDEA.....(widen eyes with happy face)

SAHAR came to her father when she saw her father was talking to someone on calls and he indicated towards her to give him some minutes to complete the call.

SAHAR sat on sofa and saw a many files and papers were place over on table. her father was walking while talking Some one on call.

SAHAR rearrange the all open files with papars when few times her father saw towards her and smiled to requested with his finger as few more minutes on call then she also nodded and saw how her father working hard for his family and in hope of his loveone & ex- wife BELLA to came back.

SAHAR lost in thoughts and talking to herself---Mom ! I think you lost a precious person of your life who loves you deeply that noone can love you like him . How can a woman be so hard towards a man who love her so deeply that he can wait for her till the end. I don't think so in this world Someone like my Dad exist in country who can wait for his Someone special whole heartedly .I think times change and people too. So love is just for Show off because after some time spending with each other , you will loose your love, hope ,care ,duty, responsibility as you promise to others and in the end what you get betrayal ,greed ,selfishness and liar.....MY believe in relationships flew away suddenly ,I don't know why ?....but I don't feel to fall for anyone in my this lifetime.

Suddenly ZHAONIEL nudged her to came out from her imagnary world to realty.

ZHAONIEL said ----what are you thinking ? do have something to share with me ?

SAHAR:---Nothing dad....I am just thinking ....why did you fall for your BELLA ?

ZHAONIEL:---(daring eyes )she is your mom....not my bella only...keep that in mind.

SAHAR :--...I gave her chance to be my mom but she refused her child over KAY & her so called love....By the way ,now I understood that she never loved us .we are always her second priority....ohh I correct myself....only ME ,SAHAR was her second priority not YOU DAD.

ZHAONIEL :--(smiled).....You are really grown up SAHO that even talking about elders matters but you don't judge the book by cover unless you read the book yourself . Because you never fall in love with someone so you can't understand us . When you fell in love with someone , you will understand me and your mom well.

SAHAR :--- that day will never come DAD i will fall in love for someone .

ZHAONIEL :---So you don't want to marry someone ?.....(understood sahar's fellings towards love) because of your mom and me.?... don't assume that every relationship have same path of love ride.....(laugh)...I wish you fall in love and I can guide you for your riding.

SAHAR:---Don't curse me...I will never accept anyone in my life.....(let's change the topic)..By the way dad I want to talk to you about something.

ZHAONIEL :----Tell me ....I am listening you.(signed the papers)

SAHAR:---DAD I want to join a company.....

ZHAONIEL:--thats great .....come tommorow ....I always waited for this day . (happy)

SAHAR :---DAD !.....listen me first.....I am saying I want to join another company to learn something first then I will join our company.

ZHAONIEL:---why ? can learn in our company as well....i will provide you everything in company.(halted his hand )

SAHAR:--.....daaaad !....(caught hands of his father) that's why I don't want to join our company first. I want to give myself a chance to learn and understand the work process.How do People work hard so I can understand them well and work without pressure. If I join our company directly , people will think I have no capability to run the company and handle the matters I already applied for a company . tommorow is my interview if I got selected I will tell you about this.....

ZHAONIEL :--But ?....

SAHAR :----i don't want to loose s single deal for our company so I will go to another company to snatch some money and experience so they will loose against my super dad ZHAONIEL. (wink)

ZHAONIEL:---(laugh)...Okay.....if you have any problems you can directly come to, no need to bear any difficulties ....So I expect from you that you can come to me for any help.

Sahar:---You agreed (surprised by her father s agreement) .....I didn't think that you will agree this soon.....(patted by father on shoulder)
