O4 | psycho or not?

"I was happy without the bad memories."


He pulled away while biting my swollen lips, he looked at me with an unreadable expression. I looked back with thoughts of just seconds ago.

Why did I even kiss him back..

I was about to apologize for what happened but was caught off guard by the next thing he whispered,

"I think... I love you." he looked at me, our nose touching. I can't see that he is sincere but I can feel it. But feelings can not guarantee anything. His eyes remained sleepy through the whole confession. He turned away and buried his face on my neck leaving his warm breath to give me chills.

But Mr. Psycho Suga, love doesn't happen that easily. And I'm pretty sure that he does this to any victim/patient he had. I mean he just want me to be flustered, what else could there be? It's not like he's sincere.

He cuddles further, snaking his arm on my waist and the other on the side of my face. He didn't stand up nor get away from me and shred me to pieces. Instead, he started pecking the side of my lip in a sweet manner.

Suga is still on top of me and my head pillows his arms. He is literally hugging my head.

Break my neck daddy?

The tips of our noses touch and so are our foreheads. His lips forms a smile after pecking the side of my lips again and again and again.

He's too sweet for a psychopath, what a big shame!

He loves me... What should i do? Die in his arms when I try to reject him? Or act like I feel the same? and live... with him? maybe as a sex slave oh fuck..

"I love you, too." I whispered, looking anywhere, but his shocked expression. Option B it is.

But let's not be so sure. I may become an idiot for falling to his traps and ends up dying gruesomely.

"You do?" he asked tilting his head whith a gummy smile and that is cute. Better than a smirk or an evil grin.

"Yes, of course." I answered, trying to be more sincere. He bought it.

I had always been the president of the drama club member plus the club's pride. had been with a guy that had a roleplay kink, he's a jackass for making me act like a hoe. I'm basically an actress, not the best but surely capable of fooling someone. Especially this man, Sugar.

Suga is a psychopath. These kind of personality usually have a poor judgement or fails to learn from experiences.

They have their own perspective in living, having no regrets nor affections for anyone, feels highly of themselves and are pathological liars. They have no conscience. They lack remorse or guilt and lacks empathy. They are shallow and cannot control their behavior especially when mad and they are manipulative.

But all in all, any murderer or psychopaths are still humans who wants to be love. They're no different from normal people, there's always a reason behind their attitude. Unlike normal people, they're plain aggressive and dangerous that's why they are hidden.

And now Suga did some unbelievable things a psycho does,

His love and happiness, plus he looked at me with a happy face and says that he loves me.

I'm starting to think that this man... Suga, is not a psychopath.