O5 | Clingy Psychopath

"Tell me it was true so it would not hurt."

"That's great." he said, pecking your lips again.

So clingy. So clingy.. Too clingy...

He pecked onto your lips once again before resting his forehead on yours.

"What should I call you?" he asked an indirect what's your name question. He caressed your face and you didn't feel the need to flinch away from this new soft touch.

"Whatever you like, sweetheart." you answer with a wink, he chuckled. He likes it.

"What a flirt, not so bad princess." he whispered, then kissed your cheek.

Not long after, the softie Suga sat up and messed his hair, groaning.

Oh God. He'll kill me soon.

Suga's sitting on top of you, attention and fingers are now fidgeting at the hem of your shirt.

He'll strip you now, Y/N. And then cut your belly in half.

"After making out with me, sweetheart..." you said dragging his attention.

"When are you dissecting this vict-patient?" you blurted, looking at him. Curiosity ate your panicking brain, this is it. You wanted to die on guard and ready. It took a lot (small amount) of thinking and strength to say those words.

"What?" he looked alarmed, surprised. He was caught off guard, his face scrunched, eyebrows creasing and mouth hang open, his eyes looked around to think of any other meaning from the words uttered by your unconscious.

Why would he kill the one he love?

That's crazy. He's crazy.

He looks adorable when he is clueless... Oh? No strings attached... he is just really adorable. But then again, he is a psychopath.

"Oh..." he muttered under his breath as he organized his thoughts. He just love your (forced) company and is amazed by your precious existence.

He never thought he would love you easily just like that... once again, he never thought. Those features and character is what he really like, he do not know if you'd do the one thing he hate.

"I never make out with my patients." his face went blank and unreadable, he fetched your hand, intertwining it together with his. He looked at you, eye eye and spoke, "You're discharged and I love you... wifey." he chuckled softly before unlocking the chains at your feet.

"Now let's go home, kitten?" he asked, standing up.

This fake love will let me live. I'm so sorry but it's fake love. I love you? What the hell is love? It's all fake love.