O6 | Still Alive


Now let's go home?! He won't kill me yet?! Oh heck no. Just do it already, why the thrill?

"Home? You're taking me to home?" I asked confused, curious and relieved.

I won't die. Yet. That's better than dying right now. There's still an ounce of hope, hope to escape and live normally again.

"Of course. You're mine now sweetie." he apprised, arranging his tools at the table. "And I keep what's mine." he added, walking towards me.

He helped me up to my feet and held my hands whilst intertwining them together tightly. We walked away from the dark place and to the hallway where the red lights are. Probably the exit of this abandoned clinic.

I didn't miss the countless limbs and torso that hangs from one of the rooms before the hallway, with one glance I swear I saw a head with a long curly hair hanging alongside with a naked body with breasts. It was too much for a sight and I realized that that was where I could have been and that it was where the rotting smell of trash and dead rat came from.

I flinched away from the disgusting sight and saw that we were outside. I saw a red mini van with black stained window. Although the thought of wanting to run away and be free lingers,

Think first before you act.

I didn't even flinch away from Suga's grip, he seems relieved for that. Thoughts assured, good for him.

He pulled open the door and asked me to go in, which I gladly did. He ran to the driver's seat and drove immediately.

My eyes didn't wander around, I looked straight at the way we are heading which is unfamiliar, and we came to a halt quickly.

He got out and walked to open my door, he gave me a tight lipped smile and a forehead kiss. After that he carried me bridal style to a red Lykan HyperSport which I thought was his, and I'm right, got money from other ppl's body.

We drove again and he was jolly throughout, humming classic songs and always stealing glances from me. I find him amusing, he acts like a normal guy and he's sexy. I admit, he is. How the veins in his arms protrude and his biceps that flexes when ever there's a turn. I was checking him out again and he liked it,

We came to a stop as Suga opened my car door and, a decent 2 storey house amazed me. I legit thought of another warehouse. It's a simple house that looks luxurious with white exterior and tinted glasses, classic vines climb at the side and an obvious coffee table at a balcony.

I didn't trust this black haired psychopath, but now I'll give one out of five points for trust.

Wait did I say five? NOOO IT'S A THOUSAND FIVES.

Mr. Suga's got a long way to go.