O7 | Chef

It's been an hour or more of staying at Suga's house. You can see a beaten up woman, cleaning the house. There are bruises and cuts all around her fatigue body. She'd be a horror character no offense.

Suga said to not bother anything about her and that she was a patient or victim, that is lucky to even breathe air, right now.

She's the maid. Only maid, in this big house.

She's thin and bones, she looks dead sad. You felt empathetic and just wanna hug her and run together away from this jerk. But as what Suga said (more like order), you didn't dare to bother her. For as you thought that your future will be like hers; if you try to oppose.

Another hour and you didn't take your eyes off of her, she moves back and forth, diligent and hardworking.

So that's why this house is clean. I wanna help with the cleaning she must be tired.

She may have been a breadwinner of whoever's family or she might be a brat who bought fancy things for daily life, spending her parents money to waste, Nevertheless she doesn't deserve this.

It might not be or might be the latter, but now all you see is her deep eye bags, pale chapped lips, her cheeks has sunken, arms and legs are thin and her hair is dry and messy. She now cleans the antiques and displays of the house.

Which is slow but clean.

She glanced at me and when she saw me staring at her she quickly shook her head back to the work.

Suga came down and snapped his fingers. The maid shakes as she ran away from us.

"How's the house?" he asked.

"It's decent." you answered short.






"I think my baby is huuungry." he cutely said.

"I'll cook for you!" he added.

Suga took your hand and lead you to another room, glad to stand up. You had butt cramps for sitting to long but scared to stand up.

The kitchen is colored white and the fridge is full of greens and foods, common and normal fridge. He asked you what you wanted to eat and you answered with your favorite food, thoughtlessly.

"Is it your favorite food?" he asked, smiling. You nodded hesitantly and blushed.

Oops why did you blush?

"I'll cook it for you right away sweetie. Don't blink on me." he winked and wore an apron.

He slice the ingredients swiftly. One after another. Another side of this weird psychopath.

Hmmm. Interesting.