O8 | fifty % comfy

He cut the ingredients swiftly. One after another. He cooked well with passion. The food he made is delicious, it's been long since the last homemade food you tasted. It melt your heart and fulfilled your tummy.

"You won't eat?" you asked him. He's just staring at you while you eat. But gladly you didn't feel uncomfortable, even though his stare doesn't leave you at all. He holds a blank expression yet it didn't bother you.

"I'm kinda full." he answered with a smile as he met your eyes. It's a genuine smile since his eyes smiled, cheeky and gummy.

He's kinda cute you confessed, but he's a psychopath. There's pros and too many cons there.

After eating you stood up with your plates in hand. Suga sat still watching you move around like nothing had happened, like you weren't just taken away and saw something brutal. You walked to the sink and washed the dirty plates.

A pair of hands slithered around your waist. You knew who it was, it can't be anyone else. You continued your task as his breath brushed past your shoulders to your neck as he kissed a spot. His hands moved up and down your hips, massaging it and it gave you chills. It felt hot.

He didn't stop kissing your neck, wetting and nibbling it in the process. The hot feeling heighten. Gladly you're done with the plates so you turn around but Suga won't let go of his hug and kisses, hot kisses.

You moan but why did you moan?

You can feel him smirk as he massaged your sides that oddly felt sensual. Suga's hands traveled up your spine and rubbed your back in slow pace, while the other one now rests under your thigh, squeezing it a bit. You can't help but to close your eyes to feel this new pleasurable feeling more. You hate being naive but you can't really tell, this is a heavenly first. Funny how the thought of being an easy fuck is what you despise yet you blindly let yourself being touched. This might be the first, blinded by pleasure.

His kisses moved to your jaw, to your cheeks and then..

you pushed him gently "Suga.".

He opened his eyes and licked his lips, "Princess?" he questioned.

"Uh nothing let's go to bed." you reasoned.

"You're tired?" he asked as he walked to the stairs and you followed suit.

You're in chaos. You want him but you don't want him. He took you away and invaded your space. He had did bad things you didn't want to imagine and such person isn't what you like. It's confusing. Is this a hidden kink? What am I saying..

You laid down at the bed first and he then followed, how can you feel so comfortable yet uncomfortable at the same time. You just arrived earlier by (agreed) force then suddenly you roam freely like it was a friend's house, but it isn't and it bothered you how this was going. Many thoughts bothered you, he wrapped his hands around your waist and you can feel him behind you. Warm and welcoming yet again doubting the feeling because telling fake and true is hard.

You felt the urge to hug him back. You didn't really know why.


You slept well, waking up in Suga's arms and an innocent face. He's still asleep. You thought of how you slept with a murderer without fear.

Have I always been comfortable with any one easily all this time? Have I gone blind and insane?

This face took a number of lives, you're alive but sadly the others didn't.

Yeah. He's a psychopath get a hold of yourself. How can you be so soft and vulnerable to him.

He squinted and immediately tightened his arms around you, "Good morning baby." he greeted with a smile. It brought you back to your senses, you met his dark orbs, "Good morning." you mumbled, looking away.

He kissed your lips. You gasped.

"Your lips.. It's soft.." he whispered biting his bottom lip. He kissed you again deep this time. You blinked rapidly in shock but as he nibble your lip and grazing his tongue on them, you felt the hot feeling again.

Not again..

You closed your eyes and answered the kisses he made. How easily turned on you are with him and how vulnerable and weak he made you feel,

His lips are soft, I want more of this.

how needy your body felt for him.

But your mind stood silent as lust had covered the sanity and doubts you had. You played with the hem of his shirt while his hands cupped both sides of your face as he kissed you like a hungry man.

You closed your eyes and...

"Ahh~" a low moan escaped your lips as he squeezed your ass, slapping it after. Suga climbed on top of you while smirking and his eyes, pure of lust.

"The moan woke me up, honey." he caressed your cheeks and trailed his fingers at your clothed body. Something pokes your stomach and it got your attention and that thing is in between his thighs. You gasped again and you heard him chuckle.

Man, control your dick please!

"Kitten," he called pulling your chin up to face him "my eyes are here." he licked his lips. You're whole face turned yo a light shade of red as the thought of checking his bulge shamelessly lingers. You wiggled under him and a groan left his mouth. You stopped and looked at him checking you up and down. Your shirt is big as it was his.

It fell down halfway your arms and now your shoulders are visible.

"Ah!" you gasped as Suga moved, grinding his clothed bulge at your wet core. Its warm and hot at the same time.

You felt the wetness build up more and more, you felt your body shiver and shake and then again Suga is lusting for your shoulder. It looked pale and hickeys could give more color right Thinking of the kinky thoughts, as if on cue, Suga kissed your bare shoulders feasting over it.

You can't help but moan. And he can't help but suck and nibble. It hurt but not too much to cry out for.

He reaches for your collarbones.
