O9 | Maid

Y/N heard the faintest knock and abruptly opened her eyes and jumped back. You bit your lip and looked at Suga who is all sweaty and.. mad, he looked up biting his lip and his fists clenched so hard veins were popping his collarbone and adams apple on full display, it seemed hot. He swore, "Fuck i will kill that fucking bitch." as he stood up and opened the door banging it shut.

Who's he gonna kill!?

Before you guessed, the hot scene flashed back. How he caressed your body in a way you never felt before and the dirty things he whispers that is unholy yet satisfying. He's driving you crazy in a way you didn't know you could feel! You found that phrase cringey yet here he is making you say it.

You shook your head in disbelief you were too easy. Getting laid in the first days and worse by a fucking psycho. I definitely don't want a Stockholm syndrome!

After a quick self debate, you ran down the stairs. Upon reaching the end and turning right, you saw Suga with a bloody figure. Your eyes roams from his disheveled back to the floor and there..

you saw a dead presence in the middle of a pool of blood. The blood trickles down Suga's arms to the nude colored tiles. His shirt is covered with crimson red and the body that seems lifeless is kicked by him once again.

Is she dead? Who is that? Why would he kill..

You were deep in thoughts when a voice called your name, Suga calls you, it frightened you how dark his voice sounded, you flinched at the tone. But his next words stunned you.

"Baby come here help me clean up." he called in a loud and clear but sweet voice as he looked at you above his shoulders, with a menacing smile.

Clean up?!

"Baby?" he repeats and you rushed to his side, fearing the consequences for feeding his anger.

Why would he do that? Why would he kill the only companion he had? you thought forgetting he really isn't normal.

He's a psychopath. He's mad. He's not normal. He's a murder and not one to be messed with.

"Baby," you flinched as he pinched your cheeks and it left a red stain that smells metallic. "Cutie. It's normal babe don't worry I'm okay."

Yes you're okay because nothing basically happened to you! That! Right there is not okay! and definitely not normal! This is making me crazy. You are making me crazy! you thought and wanted to shout it in his face but you couldn't, you shouldn't.

You hesitantly nod and gave out a bitter smile as he started to talk, "Kitten, listen okay. First I'll carry this thing to the basement and then you can mop the blood away. I love you." he instructs and kissed your forehead, you stood still. You were stunned by how the things went out, now you got to be an accomplice.

"Mop's right there." his deep voice woke you up. "Where?" you asked out of reflex, you shut your lips forcefully, afraid to squeak.

"Kitchen." he answered as you looked where he points. When you looked back at him, he carried the body with one hand and slung it to his shoulders, the horrifying face of a dead human confronts you,,

its the maid.