1O | Beautiful in read

The maid died.

You were petrified at this event.

Is she the one who knocked?

Why would Suga kill her for that?

Oh my gosh.

This is tragic.

Mopping the blood off of the tiles, isn't hard since it's still fresh but its still a work.

I want to cry. I didn't expect to see a corpse! after a make out! Like is this applicable for psychopaths? Is this common?

Suga came back from the basement. His outfit hands and face is covered with blood and a bored expression similar to the ones you've seen at first. He walked by your form to the kitchen without batting an eye then he passed by and entered the basement again, though now with an empty jar in hand.

You let out a breath you never knew you we're holding.

After mopping and making sure the floor tiles is spotless clean, you proceed to clean the smell and blood off of the mop. At least you were about to, because the scary guy, Suga came out of the basement door once more.

"Are you okay.." he approached. "..kitten?" he asked with a grim expression whilst caressing your face with his bloodied hands. Feeling engrossed you asked him to go but in other words.

"Go bath please." you gathered up all courage and came out confident, which is a relief. You turned your back to him, making your way to clean the mop.

Getting done with the work, the blood didn't do well with your nose. Your face started to itch with the still wet blood, so you've decided to clean yourself and adding more bubbles and scent, if allowed.

Arriving at your shared room. You see Suga laying there without a shirt and pants on, only boxer shorts to cover up. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you huffed and looked away, facing the closed door.

"Come here sweetie, I wont kill you." he said, Suga did.

Wait that's a random thing to say. Why connect those two sentence!

Your heartbeat became restless and fast. But you still followed his words. He can kill you. You're just a gal who wants no fight with a fully grown man. He got biceps and abs and energy and power. You felt weak just by glancing at him.

Did I actually see that?

You stood right before him. Suga carried me to his lap and I swear I felt a poke at my inner thigh, which makes me aroused. This one feeling I can't control keeps on coming. Suga sat straight, staring at you with hooded eyes as he rests his lips on your sweet spot; neck. You let out a gasp when he sucked on it, you can feel the smirk in his lips.

Suga threw his head back with a growl while leaning back with his hands for support. You couldn't help but check him out. And Suga can't help but feel crazy with you on his lap. Suga wants to just to do a lot of things to you.

She's so sexy with red on her beautiful face.

Something you're very aware of poked once again making your face heat up more. He smirked at your state as you quickly moved back fighting the urge to look at what keeps poking you. Even though you knew that it was his growing boner, you were in denial. "Hey kitten. Go bath and I'll watch." he said as if it's acceptable. "W-what?!" you exclaimed at his bluntness, "You h-have nothing to do there Sug-"

He cut your words with a grip on your thighs, not too tight but enough to make you gasp. He wants those sweet endearments and he'll get it.

"B-baby you have nothing to do there. Please don't." you stuttered. As much as you hate to oppose him, that pervert doesn't need to see your body. It's a blunt thing to say and do but what am I even fighting for, being able to breath is enough.

Your heart beats faster not just of fear but also of his damned words. He may be a killer but he's still a guy, pretty guy.

"Go then," he chuckled. "do you want me too undress you too?" he smirked as you ran to the shower and closed the curtain.

What the fuck Suga.

Why does he make my heart like this?

Hearing the curtains close, he went in and leaned at the bathroom's door frame. You took your clothes off with no idea of the presence that Suga is behind the curtains. He must be having fun with your silhouette stripping off.

"There are clothes at the closet it's mine so it might be big but it'll do." he apprised which seemed so near but you just shrugged it off letting droplets of cold water run throughout your body. A reddish hue of water left your body.

After cleaning yourself and clearing your mind you searched for a towel and swore when you couldn't find one. You searched for the clothes you had worn, but fuck it Suga might've took it.

"Do you need anything?" his voice is loud and clear outside the bathroom door. The door slowly opens as you shout "NOTHING! PLEASE STOP AND GET- DON'T OPEN IT." you shut the curtains, breathing hard. Gladly you heard a low sorry, footsteps and a door closing.

Shimmy! I forgot to ask for a towel again. After a few plans to dry yourself, you decided to sneak to the door and peak if he's outside.

Scanning the room you saw no presence, Well its kinda safe to go quickly.

You tiptoed your way as you searched at the wooden closet, when the door creaked opened revealing Suga.

"Oh my I'm screwed." you whispered.