11 | weird desire


You looked back and saw Suga leaning at the door frame, smirking.

He whistles as you grabbed the duvet to cover your body. "Look who's naked.. do you want to get laid that quick?" he bluntly stated "I could you know." he stared at you, stepping closer like a predator to a prey.

You stepped back with every step he took closer. The table stopped you from backing up as Suga came to close to you about a feet or two.

He flashed an evil smirk. You panicked and ran to push him out but the floor felt slippery from the trail of water your body left.

You slipped.

Gladly he caught you but now both of you are lying down the floor. You ontop and Suga bearing all your weight.

I'm naked this is nice.

Suga winced, his head hit the floor with a loud bang. You stood up and quickly grab a shirt to wear before he could even open his eyes.

You froze when he sat up eyes still closed shut and fingers massaging his temple. You faced the other side in order to hide the growing blush. When suddenly warm hands slipped in your shirt to rest on your waist.

You tensed up, but it did feel good, it was cold, AC on and you barely clothed.

He kissed the crook of your neck.

"Why are shy with your body." he whispered sensually, it felt more of a statement than a question. He made you face him.

You can see him smile.

"You're so beautiful." he uttered and tightened his embrace. The look in his face made you forget everything.

Well your half naked, he's a psychopath.

It would be a lie if I say I'm not attracted to him. What's happening to me..

Suga lifted you up hands under your ass then your legs voluntarily jumped around Suga's waist. He carried you to a table, his eyes digging into your soul. You couldn't help it, too drunk for his gaze, of his hands that massaged your waist up and down.

You bit your lip eyeing his. There and then Suga caught your lips.