12 | not yet

You kissed back.

Maybe because you liked how he treats you.

No you dummy he treats you like an accessory and accomplice for a crime, murder!

Why were you kissing back your captor? You didn't know. But one thing is for sure, you're getting laid by a mass murder. (you assumed from the countless bodies you don't want to remember)

You started to be blind. Although the thought of breaking down and crying all over everything that was left on your home and life, the normal daily life you could no longer have. Choosing to not fret for such big thing. Tsk.

He's still a human, your thoughts spoke as your fingers slid to the back of his head, pushing his lips to deepen the kiss.

The last time you actually had a kiss was with an ex you don't remember the name anymore, it was a year ago and it was bad, lustful. After said ex tried to get you laid, it didn't end well but he did end up with the label of ex.

Suga on the other hand can be deceiving, his kisses weren't soft but it wasn't rough either. His soft lips grazes yours slowly yet sensually, teasingly. He's a pro, he knew how to handle a girl.

You did give him what he wanted, you were needy for a rough kiss, french.

Suga lets out a breath as he trace the line of your back while his other hand rubs circles on your waist inside the shirt.

You let out a mewl when his hand laid flat on your bare lower back. Warm hands.

His kisses slowly made its way down to your neck, soft nips and kisses covered your neck while his hands roam the parts of your body warming up your heated state even more.

You felt a slight pain on the skin of your neck which came pleasurable when you let out a moan instead of a hiss. He had marked you now, all over your neck and shoulder.

Suga suddenly cupped both your breast making you moan a lot louder, you closed your eyes shut as you feel his touch.

He keeps on whispering dirty things and for you he screamed the daddy kink you never knew you had.

You shouted your moans when his tongue circles your nipples and sucks it like a hungry baby even though he's a daddy.

It's an undeniable fact that it feels good. That it actually took your sanity, he's your captor for pete's ugh.

He got rough on both your breast, massaging, sucking and marking all over it. And poor you could only scream.

Suga then kissed his way back to your shoulder, his hand resting dangerously at your inner thigh. You were never this wet but now you are.

His hand squeezed your thigh followed by a slap piercing through your thigh's skin. He let out a grunt before biting on your shoulder, you screamed with pleasured pain.

must be a massochist

You bit your lip hard as he bit your shoulder harder. The skin of your bottom lip broke as you tasted blood. Suga left your shoulder to kiss your bleeding lips, he sucked onto it draining the blood.

"Like that, baby?" his tongue entered, tasting the corners of your mouth. You grab onto his nape and pushed him deeper, luckily this time it was rougher. His hand on your cheek and thigh.

You want more from him.

And between huffing moans you asked for more.

"more please ughh more!" you plead at the dom male. "hmm," he tilt his head to the side with a smirk. "please?" you bit your lip, there was something on him attracting you like a magnet.

He inched forward, nose meeting lips barely touching. "Kitten, I need you to name me." he smiled, a dark smile on that reminds you that he is in charge.

"D-daddy.. Suga.. i want more." This shocking side of yours had never happen, a first. Never had been so desperate for someone. This is new.

With that he peck on your lips and carried you to the bed.

He smirked. "Ill give you what you want princess." he threw his shirt at the side and removed his short leaving his boxer and an erect cock inside it.

Suga crawled on top of you and claimed your lips, roughly licking and lapping it, tongues circling in each others mouth. His finger brought itself on your wet core, he smirked kissing your cleavage.

A finger rubbed it up and down a coating of liquid covering it. One of his hand took yours and brought it to his bulge.

You caressed it, "Oh fuck." he grunt, "Urgh Y/N." he moans. That name coming from his mouth is sexy.

You felt wet every sec down there and he felt it, his kisses trails down to your stomach twirling his tongue on your belly button for a bit before settling inches above your dripping core.

You shivered at his breath on your pussy, low whimper emitting from your chords.

Getting aroused even more, you opened your legs wider for him and you can see the satisfaction in his face.

"You slut. I will eat you hard that this tongue will make you cum." with that he devour your womanhood like its his last meal.

"Ah!" you scream. He laughed darkly, "I ain't gentle, baby girl." he stated and started to lick the juices from your womanhood. "Daddy--oh Suga,, ugh"

Numerous profanities left your mouth. You felt so pleasured that you can't even compliment him enough. His tongue that works crazy at your core is that of an expert. A great tongue technology for pros.

Suga's tongue found your clit and sucked and bit on it teasingly.

"A real dessert you are" he purred, a finger slid inside your folds without warning as a curse left your vocals. His finger started to move slowly, "moan my name princess," His thumb rubbed on your sensitive clit.

It felt so good and unbearable that you shouted his name as your legs tremble while his pace fasten. He slid one more finger in and thrusts it in, his finger felt good but you know that his pet is the best.

"We need to get your pussy ready, baby." he sucks on your nipples.

The stimulation on your, clit, his finger curling now and then in you, his tongue on your oversensitive buds, felt too much as a familiar knot on your stomach came, "S-suga, daddy ugh faster p..lease~"

He kissed your tummy down to your waist leaving hickeys and distracting you as one more finger thrusts in your pussy, counting three which barely fit.

The bed sheets wrinkled with your grasp as you grip on it hard. You shouted and grabbed his hair with both your hands for strength, your body is giving up.

Your losing your self. You want him to do this to you everyday. Its just afternoon.. maybe another round later?

He thrusts his fingers faster. As his lips found yours. Your fingers rest on his shoulder, nails scraping his skin.

You soon came all over his bed and fingers. Suga groaned and bit your ears as he withdraw his fingers and licked it dry.

"Delicious," he slap on your thigh. "Oh honey I can't take this anymore.. but not now." He said and hugged you tight kissing your lips, before getting you clean and dressed then he took care of himself. He left the door with you on the bed, showered with thoughts.

You want more but how can you even ask when he said not yet.