17 | flashbacks

5 years ago

"Y/N, we will have to move out. I can't support us both.. and it's your favorite aunt we'll move at. Please open the door." your older brother whispered at the door.

I don't want to leave... My Mom promised she won't leave us, she said that she'll walk me to my graduation ceremony and Daddy said he'll teach me how to drive. Both of them will be attending my wedding. There were lots of promise I held on.

Why.. Why did they die..

Sure it's the life's natural cycle, but it was so sudden. I hadn't gave them kisses the morning they got off to work. Because I slept in, it was finals and months later I would graduate from high school. But they didn't live to see it.

"Y/N?" my older brother knocks again, eager to get to her younger sister's arms so he could comfort him like the brother he is.

I heard the door knob click. He must've found a key..

"Leave me alone. I told you I wont go." I said with grief and pain as sobs were caught on my throat.

"We need this. You'll understand when you're older. Please Y/N, Seokjin Oppa will be here with you. Please be strong." he rub a soothing comfort on my back and kissed my forehead, his tears rolled down his cheeks silently. After I calmed down he got out of my room.

Well with no much though I packed my things ready to leave. Wiping every lost tear with blind rage. The pent up anger I had were brought on to the people around me, I blamed them.

Why cant he understand that I don't want to go. They said she's my favorite aunt when I was a kid. But I've grown up. What skit is this!

They just think of themselves. They are selfish. My thoughts all negative and affecting my decisions biased. I was mad. So mad that I didn't pack for the trip to aunt.

I packed to leave and live on my own.

When the night came I knew what I had to do and there I go to the dark streets, alone. I had called my friend with the same name as I have.

"Can I stay there?" I asked knowing she'll agree, even though it's been long since we last made contact.

"It's midnight. Where are you? Omg Kim." she replied, we call each other by our family name since we bear the same name.

"In front of your building Jeon." I said with a shiver as she put the phone down and minutes later she's in front of me with no slippers on. She ushered me to come in as she pulled me in the building.

Ill stay at hers, since Seokjin never asked who my friends we're. He didn't even bother since he was busy with his own business, I guess he would regret.

We settled in her bedroom as I put my bag down.

"You can sleep with me. Its been a while. You last visited last year right? You hadn't come ever since. Bad girl. What's up?" Jeon asked.

"My parents died.." I said smiling bitterly, tugging on the hem of my shirt.

She hugs me tight her own set of warm tears falling. There were no words but it was comforting.

"I'm fine. Its okay. And Jin wants to move out. I dont want to and he don't understand!" I let out the anger coming back.

"Tone it down girls!"

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Dont mind my brother. You know you can stay here. Don't worry. Calm down and let's sleep. Everything will be okay. I was in that state you know." she smiled knowingly, both of you now relating each other.

I nod in reply.

With that we sleep side by side.