18 | effect

Yoongi came walking to your form, frozen you saw a blonde man.

His shirt was red with you assume paint and his hands were trembling just like yours. The guy seemed to absorbed with the weapon in his hand or just spaced out. His eyes were out of focus and his head twitched to the side.

You tear your attention away from the visitor and smiled at Yoongi trying to hide the slight shiver of your body from the cold air.

"Kitten, why are you up?" Yoongi asked pulling you away from your frozen stupor. He made his way over your form which was behind the wall that divides the living room and hall way.

"I..I woke up without you. I came to uhm find you." you answered, honestly looking into his dark uninterested gaze.

Well you did came down to find him. But the eavesdropping weren't intented and will never be confessed. It began scaring you again but a pretty smile would hide it right?

You saw the man Suga talked to, stand up to walk to the door. His steps were slow and hesitant.

"Close the door!" Yoongi shouted referring to his friend or whomever, Tae was it?

"It's just some person, should we go back to sleep?" Yoongi asked and you nod walking away first with hurried steps. Yoongi caught up and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him and up the stairs. The frequent creaking of the wooden hallway floor didn't leave your mind.

Yoongi had let go when you open the door, and bolt to the bed and under the covers.

"Easy sweetheart, you okay?" he asks, lying down beside you, concern laced on his voice.

The wind flew the curtains and you flinched, "I-I'm fine. I'm just sleepy, tired.." you whispered, hoping he could hear. Suga shifted behind you as the bed dipped near you.

His hands slithered around your hip. Feeling his warm breath at your nape, sent goosebumps.

That guy from earlier looked so eerie even though you didn't see his face he was quite tall, taller than Yoongi. Distorted expressions and faces filled your mind as a substitute for the guy's hidden face.

A tear had escaped then Yoongi rubbed soothing motions on your sides. It calmed you down.

"You didn't hear anything, right? I mean it was nothing I was just helping him." he explains casually.

Its normal? Inital thoughts you had came back. From almost stabbing your heels to how he's a psychopath who went on a killing spree. And helping other psychopath's around by providing needs.

Suga turned you around to face him. You closed your eyes, though not asleep. The trembling of your lips heightened, you bit your upper lip in attempt to stop the tremble.

He kissed your forehead and enclosed your shivering self to his arms. It starts to fade away, the bad thoughts. He tightened the hug, pulling you closer to him as possible.

Suga's effect on you was no joke.

Feeling a bit calm, your eyes fluttered open, meeting his dark ones staring on to you. Then your heart beats faster and louder, you bet he can hear it.

He smiles and showered you with kisses, "I love you, baby. Earlier was some friend, friends help each other right? He was so shaken and vulnerable I needed to give him something for protection."

Losing all rationality you accepted his reason, pondering over it for a bit then it made sense. It was like giving help for a lost puppy, it was nice of Yoongi to even help.

The sound of his heartbeat in sync with yours tucked you in to sleep as if a lullaby. You nod for the last time before tightening your side of the hug.

"Don't worry, as long as you'll stay nothing bad will happen." he whispered kissing the top of your head.

It's... was that a threat?