20 | escape plan

The mysterious creepy guy had long passed your mind but it left a mark, and it reminded you of everything wrong in this so called love. But you were deep into this safe haven to even be determined to let go.

Every now and then, you had tried to act chill and unbothered, be like usual. It turned out great since Yoongi didn't really suspect or opened it.

But within these days many plans of escape route passed through your mind, then soon crossing out everything one after another. It was too risky and you wanted to go out alive.

"What's bugging you?" Yoongi asked and it caught you off guard, this guy was either blunt or sweet. Both of you sat on the ground of the backyard while your head is neatly placed on his lap on this new sunny day.

He had been a great guy, he cared, gave affections and love in his own ways. Nights would come when you would cry unexpectedly and he would just hug you silently. He never came home bloody instead he would bring gifts.

It was like a real love relationship.

"Nothing." you answered, shifting to face his tummy. Your fingers traced the lines of his striped shirt as he continue to brush your hair.

So he noticed it afterall.

"I noticed it. Tell me?" he asked, but that already came to your mind, asking him bravely for freedom, again. But that didn't seem plausible enough to be safe. There's too many what ifs.

Suga could chain you at the basement beside the maid's corpse or things will never be the same again or he will just kill you slowly. Those were haunting just to think at.

You lifted your body to sit up and lean on his shoulder. "I'm just hungry." you answered, half true. He stood up abruptly, while you fell on the grass a grumpy expression is present on your face.

Yoongi grinned, lending a hand. "Let's go out. You need a good walk." he smiled and lifted his eyebrows.

This could be an opportunity, you thought. Any type of escape plan is what you need to think of, as long as it's something sneaky. You held his hand with a smile of your own while you stood up.

"Go clean and prepare yourself upstairs, I'll be right there." he said placing his hand on your cheek and a peck on the lips.

A slight contemplation flashed through your mind, could you actually leave this fake happiness you had mould by being an obedient little princess or not.

"I'll be back."


I stood at the mirror, staring at my blurry reflection. I didn't bother to tie and close my bathrobe. I was stuck in deep thoughts.  It was giving me some type of headache. I closed my eyes to rest as it had strained.

I thought of a pretty decent plan. But it's not really a hundred percent successful. But I should at least try. It just needs a right timing, and I am not sure if it would work. But I'll do it. I'll have to try.

At least I did.

Deep in thoughts, you didn't realize you were taking too much time as the door had slowly opened. Although it did open, you didn't notice it since you were still lost in your thoughts.

Not when you're eyes burst open when a pair of warm hands placed itself on your hip. You saw Yoongi on the mirror, his head buried on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I got distracted." you explained turning to face him completely unaware that your cleavage to belly button and down had shown. The mirror had fogged out and your focus was divided.

Suga hummed and licked his lips, leaning opposite you and on the wall. You lifted your head to meet his eyes, Suga tilted his head to the side before shifting his stare to your body.

"You're almost naked." he apprised with a sly smile, a sudden realization hit you like a bulldozer. Blood rushed to your cheeks as your fingers moved quickly to close the robe and tie it in seconds.

"Gosh how did I forget." you mumbled, looking down on your toes as it twitched. Suga pushed himself up from the wall and inched to your flustered form. He kissed your forehead then a hand slid inside the robe to squeeze your ass.

A groan left his mouth with a husky whisper, "Your making me crazy, fuck." he cursed and left.

"Now get some clothes and meet me downstairs." he smirked before closing the door.