24 | lost memories

".. and she's still unconscious." muffled voices are conversing at the bed side. I blinked my eyes open, adapting to the white bright room. I didn't feel fine as I look at my side to see two silhouette.

..and I lost consciousness again.

The conversation continues inside your hospital room. "It's the blood, well leaving her there to drain for who knows how long is not a good idea." the doctor nagged.

"She lost too much blood hyung you dumbo. Why would you even do that if you'll just stay and wait beside her everyday." he slapped Yoongi's shoulder playfully, before walking out.

"Jimin.." Yoongi uttered enough for Dr. Park to hear. Jimin stopped walking and looked above his shoulder. "What?" he asked, holding the door handle.

"I don't regret it." Suga smirks looking at your pale body laying on the bed announced as comatose. Its been three weeks, however earlier when Dr. Park was running some tests, your body seems to respond and it's just a matter of time before you could wake up.

Jimin chuckled behind a scoff, "Of course you don't." he spoke in monotone and left.

Suga walked to sit at your side again, he is holding your hand tight like you could fall off a cliff if he loosen up.


Later that night, you blink open your eyes. It's dark and quiet while a small throb on your head makes you groan in pain. Everything in this place didn't seem familiar and the IV on your arm is enough to say where you are.

"What happened? Where am I?" you mumble, thinking out loud and trying to sit up with both hands for assistance. A sudden headache made you wince as you try to remember what had happened for you to end up here.

I was eating chips at my apartment. I was watching- ahhh...

The memory stops from there, it seem futile to try to remember when it doesn't want to be remembered. It hurts and bandages as well as healing wounds were spread around your skin.

A sleepy voice spoke from somewhere in the room, "You're awake." he says, you can't point out where he is since it's dark and only the night light on the wall above your head illuminates the room.

Deja vu you thought.

The owner of the voice was sitting at the sofa and your head looked in that direction as it walks closer.

It's a guy, pale as snow. He sat at the edge of the bed, "Who are you?" you asked, squinting in curiosity, he seems familiar. However, your defenses is up so you moved your feet farther from him.

He smiles, the feel of his smile is way different than a welcoming one. "I'm the one who did this to you." he answer, you were shocked at the confession.

"Wha- Who?" you asked again, hugging your legs tight as his tone was intimidating and threatening. He stood up to walk over and flick open the lights, he smirks. You raised your eyebrows in question, he looks soft. Who is he?

He mirrored your reaction and raised an eyebrow as well, "You don't know me?" he ran to sit on the seat beside your bed.  His movements were quick and you flinched when he held your hand. "Its me Y/N. It's me Yoongi." he smile, now warm.

It confused you, he was trying to scare you seconds earlier and now he's endearing. And he knows your name!

"H-how'd you know my nam-wait you did this to me? What?" you asked dazed and confused with too much information being fed at.

He looks familiar, an image behind your brain that if you fetch it, it starts to hurt.

"I brought you here in this hospital, from an accident. I helped. I'm your boyfriend." he explain so fast you could only catch up the last few words. You felt thankful to the guy since he mentioned helping from an accident, but wait what?— boyfriend?!

"B-boyfriend? I uh I don't remember having one." you stutter at the revelation. He smiles again and kissed your hand but you jerk away before he can land his lips, though he isn't fazed.

"It's fine, you forgot. Maybe its amnesia. I'm Min Yoongi." he continue to smile like it's the best news and he can't stop the happiness from showing.

Who in their right mind would smile when their girl forgets them? 

A knock on the door stopped me from asking him further, a doctor came in, "Yoongs, let me talk to her a bit?" the doctor asked the guy who claims to be my boyfriend. He left with a smile in his face and a quick I'll be outside. The doctor then asked some questions.


"I don't know what you did to her but she have retrograde amnesia, meaning she loses access to previous memories and events or even information. But since her head only had a minor injury it won't last long. It can cause confusion and it would hurt to remember and process new informations. So if you explain things go slow." Dr. Park explains and Yoongi listens.

"She can recover and remember soon but it looks like you don't want her to, aren't you too happy hyung?" Jimin asked, Yoongi had been smiling the whole time.

Yoongi nods with a tight lipped smile, "That's quite a good news, you know. She woke up, alive and she didn't even remember what I did. We can just go back to how we used to be." he says in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

Jimin taps Yoongi's shoulder pulling him out of his daydream, "Good luck with that because she can remember." Jimin said and left. Yoongi stood there looking at Jimin's back, he thought about some things and his smile grew wider.

But for now I'll alter the story, and we'll be happy as long as she don't remember. I'll have to do it again and again and again if that'll make it permanent.