25 | boyfriend


It's been a month since I stayed here at the hospital. Yoongi has been there all the time and I got used to his company.

"I really love you, I was so sad to see you all bloody." Yoongi sighed and I felt warm, "But now that you're fine, we'll go back on how we were. Okay?" he says and I smile with a thumbs up.

Although I don't remember what kind of relationship we had, I'm guessing we were intimate given how used my body is at his touch. But some times I don't feel good alone with him but I usually shrug it off as a defect in my brain.

It was a bad impact on my head they say. I drained too much blood and when I came to the hospital I was close too dying. The life support helped me in the first few days and I recovered but in coma. Nobody knows what happen.

Yoongi doesn't know either, he said, "leave it as it is, I'm just relieved that you're all right". He also said that I shouldn't pry on it since it could mess me up so I dropped the topic.

I don't really know if it's right that I am trusting him this quick, but the doctor had confirmed that he had stayed here with me ever since I was admitted. That was a month ago.

"Thank you for being here with me. I guess it's just you and you in my life." I quip, remembering the amount of friends I have which was none. Because as far as I can remember, I closed myself from the world.

He giggled and continue to brush my hair while I eat chips. A movie is playing at the TV, one of my favorite movies, scream.

"We'll have dinner later at our house and I'll cook your favorite." he gushed in my ears as I nod. Yoongi placed the comb on the table beside us and I lie down on his chest. He held my hand while I fed him some chips.

Yoongi is a good person. I am discharged today and I am supposed to be going home with him. The IV is removed and we are just waiting for the cue. I had been reminded to treat my wounds so that it wont scar.

Weird is that I had stab wounds that makes me cringe when I looked into the mirror. I want to ask Yoongi but I decided to talk about it later when we're settled.

Thoughts like was I murdered or tortured were running around my mind and I laughed it off as an influence by the movies I repeatedly watch.

The nurse came to tell us that we're good to go and he helped me get up. I may not remember anything but one thing is that I got a caring boyfriend.

On the way to the parking, he was calm on explaining our relationship. "So, I live with you? like I have my clothes there and all?" I asked again and he smile with a nod. He opens the car door for me to sit.

"And did we.. Uhm? I don't remember anything. Did we.. do we.." I mumbled, hesitant with the question. I sat down and bit my nails. Yoongi walked around to enter the driver's seat.

Yoongi settled himself and did his seatbelt. You we're in a daydream as he lean on you. His warm breath on your jaw woke you up on your reverie.

You look his way and realized that you just grazed his neck with your lips. So you quickly looked up and sat frozen, your cheeks burned red and your heart beats fast. The breathe you are keeping begins to suffocate and you release a heavy sigh on his skin. Though he didn't mind.

He had buckled your seatbelt but didn't move back to his seat. "Just kiss my cheek." he teased and smiled cheekily, glancing.

"One time baby or I won't move." he furrowed his eyebrows, pouting and still looking at you with side eye. The cheek is served in front of you and given you we're going out of breath from the situation.

You leaned in as he tilts his head, making your lips meet for a peck. "That'll make my day." he flashed a smile and kissed your forehead before sitting back. You screamed mentally at his mischief as you fan your cheeks with your hands as it gets hotter by seconds. He sniggered before driving.


"Do we live alone together?" I asked going inside the house and looked around. I see a slipper that looks like my type, so I used it. Is it really true I've stayed here for more than a month?

"Of course, we live alone together. Who do you want to be here my father?" he joked and sat at the sofa patting the space beside him. The sun is setting and the ride was long so I slump on the couch with him.

"Have I met your father?" I asked, curious. "He's a dead man, princess. My mom died giving birth to me." he explained. Feeling sorry, I hugged him. He returned the hug and fell on the couch lazily with a giggle.

We lay comfortable on the couch with me cuddling on top and putting weight on him, "It's fine. Be a good girl now, okay?" he whisper, caressing my head. I nod, setting my head on his chest to hear his stable breathing calming me down.

He's my boyfriend and I better be a girlfriend. I chose him for a reason that I can't remember.

He's a gentleman with a sad story. I hope I remember things soon. I wanna remember our memories. I trust him and I think I loved him so much.