27 | realizations and a friend(?)

The trees were giving enough shade so I won't sweat so much. It felt so pleasing and I felt emotional to breathe good air like I was quarantined in a space for years. A tear escape for no reason and I wiped it off.

Reaching the cement road I started to walk and wonder.

Where's the card I had with my savings and money in it? How about my clothes? Or just everything? How's my friends? Where's my phone?

It was weird but Yoongi said it was left behind, I asked to leave it be. It would make sense if I remember things but I didn't so I find it unusual.

A modern looking cafe with glass as windows and yellow walls came into view. The sign read Sunshine Cafe. I figured this is the cafe.

I enter Sunshine Cafe and is greeted by an energetic guy. He gives off good vibes and is smiling so beautifully.

"Good day-" the guy stopped his greet when he met my eyes. "Hey it's you! Welcome back and Good morning." he smiles wide and led me to a seat. "How are you? Last time was weird." he continues to talk. I realized there were few people in.

I sat down and looked at him, confused. "I-I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked, he was taken aback but kept the smile. "Oh did I have the wrong person? Hmm, I knew it was you though. Well what do you want to order miss?" he smiles while scribbling on his pad a confused expression present on his features.

He wrote your orders and talked once again, "I'm Hoseok and I'll take your orders to serve you for today." he winks and goes to step back in his place behind the counter.

"Wait!" I call. "I'm sorry if I forgot, I was in an accident and can't remember." I smile and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ears.

"It's fine. If you don't mind I'll have my break now, I wanna ask you something-" the door chimes rang, announcing new customers. He grins and excused himself.

When Hoseok left, you decided to take in the surroundings. Since the guy knew who you were, you thought maybe you could remember some things. Maybe trigger your memory by looking around.

It was oddly, nostalgic. The view outside and the setting, everywhere. Hoseok's presence. Everything.

You were here. Hope it's a good memory. You could only hope.

The orders came with a girl. She have a short hair and cute eyesmile. Her name is Yoonji. "Hoseok asked if you could wait for a bit, he'll join you." Yoonji says. I nod and she excused herself.


Hoseok soon came back without his apron on. "Can I sit here?" Hoseok ask, taking you out of your daydreaming. "Sure." you nod.

"I hope you're okay. The accident sure made its way to your head. You forgot." he giggled, "We weren't that close but I guess I wanted to be your friend." he looked at you and continue to talk.

You laughed at his statement,  "We can be friends, I'll visit more often. Am I a regular customer here?" you asked and took a bite on your sandwich.

"You came here once but sure you are, with your boyfriend of course." he states with a heart gesture and a knowing look.

You can't help but giggle at his actions, "One time? Then how did you know I had a boyf– oh I guess I forgot about it. Well, I have a witness now." you laugh, thinking that maybe that one time is when you came here with Yoongi for a date.

Hoseok speaks, mouthful. "You came here once with him, a month or so." his words were muffled but understandable. You urge him to swallow first and gestured at his drink. 

"But at that time it was weird, I'm sorry if that's offensive." he apologized after drinking half of the watter bottle.

You chuckled. "Its fine, but why?" you asked, curious as to how it was weird.

"Last time you disappeared. Like poof." he exclaimed with sounds and gestures with exaggerated expression. "I mean your man left the door alone and I didn't see you again. If I remember right I was going to give you a free cake since you were the first couple." he explained and finished the last sip of his drink.

"That was our first opening. Five weeks ago? or six." he shrugs and smiles at your way.

If that's the case, it was around the time of your accident. "Oh that's really weird." you laughed awkwardly and shrug it off.

"Do I still own the cake?" you quip, playfully with a grin.

His ears perked up, "Of course! So the free cake is today, I'll get it!" Hoseok skipped to the counter to get your cake.

I have a new friend, he'll come in handy.