28 | sex atlast

[there's a mature scene marked: šŸ’…ā™„ļø if you want to skip it]

The body clock of yours woke you up early so you decided to cook breakfast. Yoongi is still asleep at your shared room. You called for him but no footsteps came close so you thought of waking him up.

Standing at the foot of the bed, you mumble, "He is asleep." confirming the thought of Yoongi dozed off. You walked at the bed side and jumped above his body, who is enjoying its deep slumber.

He groans with you straddling his waist. "Breakfast is ready baby!" you sang, loud while shaking Yoongi to wake him up. He didn't budge so you wiggled your body, shaking his lower body.

He peaks around and shut his eyes again. "Babe.." he call, voice groggy and deep. He placed his hand at your back and pushed, making you land at his chest.

The sleepyhead's arms hugged you tight, "Good morning." he mumble, kissing the top of your head. You could feel his comfortable warmth and snuggled closer to his neck.

After feeling your boyfriend, you sat back up and kissed his cheek. "You hungry baby boy?" you drew a line at his neck to his chest with your fingers. He licks his lip, eyes squinting as he grabs a fist of your hair.


Yoongi looked sexy under you. You bit on your bottom lip subconsciously when he grab your hair. You initiated on kissing and cupped his cheeks as his other hand rests inside your shirt.

Yoongi changes the position without breaking the kiss. A moan escapes from your mouth as he bit on your lip and cupped your breasts. He breaks the kiss to hold your knee and spread it to place himself in between.

The dominance he portray made you wet, as in horny. He smashed his lips on yours and starts to trail his kisses down your neck. Never leaving a space of skin untouched.

Your neck soon had litters of love bites while incoherent dirty speeches escapes your mouth.

Yoongi is half naked with only his boxers on, it's how he sleeps. His perfectly toned abs, his V line and his large bulge made you gulp.

He lean in and removed your shirt. Instantly devouring your breast. Sucking on it as the other hand massages and pinched on your nub. That made you gasp his name and you felt him purr.

The kisses stop at your belly button, he removed your shorts and underwear to throw it somewhere in the room. After doing so he climb down the bed and removed his shorts and there you see a big babymaker, you gasp at his size.

Yoongi smirked at your reaction and crawled to settled back between your legs. He kissed the inside of your thigh as his fingers rubbed on your folds to see how wet you were for him.

He chuckled at your state and rubbed on your clit. You bit your lip and gripped on the sheets while your body shakes in pleasure under him.

"Oh Yoongi," you lick on your lips as he placed the tip at your entrance. Yoongi claimed your lips as his shaft slowly goes inside your womanhood making you scream. You held on his shoulder leaving scratches, his thrusts were slow and your scream turn to loud moans. Yoongi automatically fasten his pace when you grab him for a kiss.

He thrusts roughly, placing your leg on his shoulder while sucking your nipples like a baby hungry for milk. Your fingers continue to scratch his back to contain the screams of pleasure while the other hand holds his arm nails digging in.

Yoongi sucked a breath and hissed when small blood starts to trickle from your scratches. You were deep in heaven to notice, though it turned him on.

He loves to see you with red.

"I love you." he whispers in your ear licking the skin of your neck and added another love bite.

It felt surreal that Yoongi's bite on your shoulder felt lovely. It bled but you felt pleasure in it though your eyes are screwed shut. Your lips bled from biting to hard.

"Scream baby girl. Let it out." Yoongi whispers and bit your wrist hard. You scream and wriggle your arm to escape his bite but he held it tight.

You felt weird and started screaming like a pornstar. He knew by how your pussy clenched that you are about to squirt. Yoongi rubbed your clit and thrusts harder as if there was no next time.

Sweats trickles down on your bodies as the sun started to rise higher. Loud moans and groans are exchanged with dirty words spewing out of Yoongi.

The butterflies on you left to an orgasmand the sex became sloppier, sounds of both parts colliding beautifully.

For a lazy and sluggish guy he had one hell of a stamina. When you though he couldn't go faster, he did. You knew he was about to cum. Yoongi loved to feel you raw as his member twitched and he bursts it all with a curse.

"Fuck Y/N! I will never get enough of you."