30 | end?

4 years later



_:I'll be there.

He texted. He want to see Alliah again. He misses her real quick. I replied and made my way to the kitchen.

you: I'll cook dinner.

Or you'll bring take outs?

_: Cook my favorite if you remember!

I'll get desert

You turn the phone off and started to cook. While cutting the potatoes you heard footsteps. You shrugged it off thinking it was orange, your cat. But later when it became louder, heavy and rushing, it didn't feel like that of a cat anymore. It was of a human.

Scared, you gripped on the knife you were using to cut those potatoes, creeping out to scan your place. No way any burglar would sneak in a house like this. Almost all of the lights were on.

You sigh, going back to the kitchen when you found nothing suspicious. Grabbing another potato you continued to cut it. A voice made you stop, the voice which is still engraved in your mind, said.

"You're still as beautiful as ever."

Abruptly you turned around and gripped the knife. You see the man, the man you've ran away from. "Why.. H-How!?" you shouted, stuttering, sad and scared. Tears builds up on your eyes as he smiles, Yoongi smiled.

"I came here in peace, I.. I missed you." he says soothingly convincing as ever. But you stood tense, scared to move. You could feel the knife slipping up as your body shakes in fear. The person in front of you is the last thing you wanted to see and you didn't want to see him.

"Mommy is something wrong?" a small girl walked in rubbing on her eyes. "Alliah, mommy's alright." you hid the emotions you have so your princess won't get scared. You quickly picked Alliah up and stepped back, farther from Yoongi.

And the doorbell rings.

Yoongi's heartbeat paced fast at the sight of the kid, "Alliah, how old are you?" he asked and the innocent kid raised her hands open to a peace sign. "I am 3 years old!" she cheerfully answered.

The doorbell rings again.

He looked at the door and back to you. Yoongi ran his fingers on his hair, "You were pregnant." he whispered, getting frustrated and mad for some reason. "We were fine but you left." he says between gritted teeth, trying his best to not curse in front of the kid. The doorbell rings again.

"I'll be back, Y/N. I'll have you back." he pointed at you as his own tears blurred his vision. He walks towards you as you back up but unfortunately the sink was there.

He pat on Alliah's head and gave you forehead a kiss. You were frozen and scared for what he might do, not for you but for Alliah. He smiles bitterly and walked back slowly and disappeared upstairs.

You exhale in relief as you saw his shadow running away at your backyard. "Hey open up!" shouted by the gentleman behind your door and you ran to open up.

"Alliah baby!" he called as your daughter jumps in his arms. "Dadda!" your daughter giggles.



Its been years since the last time Yoongi held his Y/N, he loved that. So Yoongi flew to the states. He knew where Y/N was and he didn't spare a second and flew immediately.

But he didn't know where to search. All Hoseok knew was Seokjin and Y/N flew away. That's all the information he wanted to say. Despite the punches Yoongi gave, he continue to tell him that, "All I know is that they flew away from you!".

Still Hoseok didn't know how Yoongi treated poor Y/N. Hoseok gave Y/N back to his brother, Seokjin. He smelled something fishy when she disappeared one time. He knew something was odd about Yoongi and then he was right.

Hoseok knew at that moment when Y/N cried and shouted like she was being tortured mentally that he should help. Therefore bringing her back to her brother which was Seokjin, Hoseok's best friend and once neighbor.

Yoongi searched for years and he now knew where his girl was. Her exact location. He saw her at a neighbourhood when he was driving. He remembers every detail of Y/N and was perfectly sober. He wasn't hallucinating.

And the night came.

Yoongi was shocked. He knew whose kid that was and he just cant believe it. Yoongi looked at you and you looked down. He sighed loudly. He got mad and that's when the doorbell dinged.

"You were pregnant." he said running his hands on his hair in anger.

So slow. He wanted to see her tummy in a ball with their genes perfectly combined in a new life form, her beauty and his, be there when she gave birth and grow with her.

"We were okay but you left! I treated you like a princess!" Yoongi said and the bell rings again. He said his goodbye but threatened to come back.

You felt relieved when you saw him past your window. You missed him too but.. "Hey open up!" shouted Seokjin. You ran to open three door locks which looked useless since the man you made it for still got in.

"Alliah baby!" your brother Seokjin, called.

"Dadda!!" Alliah answered with open arms wanting his 'dadda' to carry her.

Seokjin was there since you gave birth to Alliah. So he is known as Dadda. Seokjin wanted to protect you both now that he have the chance. But he have his girlfriend so its half and half.

"Hey Y/N, you okay?" he asked as you stood still infront of the now closed door, pale and sweaty. "Yoongi came by." you sternly said and Seokjin's smile fades.

"What did you just say?" he looks at you with flaming eyes.