30 | end.

What if you didn't have the chance to escape?

There at the floor of the bathroom where it all started, you wept all the tears you never shed since the day you met him.

You stood up to walk to the door, shoulders slumped and shaking. You try to contain your breathing and sobs.

A person stood at the end of the hallway but you didn't seem to notice as you focused on the floor. You walk past the person your mind went blank and you didn't know where your legs were taking you.

All you knew is that it didn't want to go back to him.

The person held your shoulders and shakes your body to get you on your senses. Voices were distorted but the blur on his face clears up on a fraction and you saw Hoseok.

Body feeling relieved at the sight of someone familiar, you fell unconscious.

"Hey," Hoseok crouched on the floor to wake you up, his lips turned down when you didn't respond. He carries you to one of the cafe's couch.

The cafe closes at this time and opens later, Hoseok owns the diner with his best friend, Yoonji.

Yoonji however is out and Hoseok looked around to make sure no one is inside. Then he saw you walking out of the bathroom like a drunk woman that had seen her boyfriend cheat.

He settles your body comfortably and checked for a pulse. It's there yet weak. Hoseok panics then the door chimes, thinking it was Yoonji he stood up abruptly.

"Yoonji the girl, Y/N is—" Hoseok lift his head to meet a man's eyes. He recognized him as Y/N's partner.

He felt relieved. "She's here man," Hoseok saw the change in his expression to a relieved one. Suga follows Hoseok's voice and he sees you lying pale on one of the couches.

Yoongi ran to hold you and exhales in relief when he felt a faint pulse. "Is she okay? It's kind of weird man." Hoseok asks feeling disturbed at the flashes of possibilities on his mind regarding your state with him.

Keeping his calm demeanor on, Yoongi talks to Hoseok about you. "She's.." Yoongi trails of dramatically.

"She's mentally ill." Yoongi says and meet Hoseok's concerned face. "I've been keeping her to protect her from herself." Yoongi continues as Hoseok's gaze shifts to your body with bites and cuts.

Yoongi starts to tear up and Hoseok pats his back comfortingly. "That was it huh." Hoseok mumbles, fairly convinced.

"Just be strong for both of you. She's my friend and I think you can help her." Hoseok smiles and hugs the male.

"Do you need any help? I'll be happy to lend my hand for a friend in need." Hoseok chimes trying to cheer him up. "No it's fine you've done enough, thank you Hoseok." Yoongi smiles bitterly and carries you to bring you home.


Your body felt heavy but you try your best to open your eyes and look around. You're in your room but Yoongi isn't.

As if on cue he comes in from the door to walk by your side, a comforting smile plastered on his face.

You smile back feeling safe. Yoongi steps closer to your side and injects more fluid at the IV connected on your wrists.

"What happen baby? Why is this back?" You ask him while staring at the IV with confusion. Sure you had it before, right?

He sits on his chair beside your bed and takes your food, that he prepared still warm. The clock had hit the time that you wake up everyday, the same question he would always answer comes first out of your mouth.

"Few more days and you'll be out of this, okay?" Yoongi kisses your shoulder and fed you a spoonful of food.

It's tastes weird but if he cooks it you'll like it.


Next day and the last day he'll do it. You opened your eyes even though it felt heavy. You look around and you are in your room but Yoongi is not here.

As if on cue, he walks inside with a trolley of good looking foods. He stops at your side and injects fluids at the IV connected on your wrists.

You just noticed it, "What is that? Uh what happened? Did I get on an accident?" you asked, surprised at getting an IV for the first time.

He sits on the edge of the bed and you crawl to sit beside him. He feeds you a spoonful and you grimace at the taste but Yoongi smiles and you swallow the expression to not upset your boyfriend.


Next day, you are in his arms as you snuggle closer to his chest. "Baby," he whispers and you open your eyes to see him looking back at you in adoration. "Why are you up so early, Y/N?"

"Who's Y/N?" you ask him and he just smiles. "That's you." he kisses your lips before you could answer and you melt in his touch.


A week passed by and you were fiddling on your phone, playing at an app Yoongi recommends.

"Hey tone it down." Yoongi complains from your lap and you hurriedly pressed on the volume button down.

The three stars flashed on the screen and your smile widens, "I completed it!" you cheer in happiness and kissed his cheek repeatedly.

Yoongi giggles at your reaction knowing that you had did that level for too many times and you didn't even notice.


4 years later

You gave birth for a beautiful girl that has now grown and is running around. When you walk downstairs, the little girl run to hug your leg.

Taken off guard you kick her back and she falls on the floor. "Who are you?" you spat and the girl stood up dusting her princess gown.

"You always forget mommy!" she cries and you remember her. "I'm sorry honey. Let's play at the backyard, hm. Sorry baby." you pick her up to carry her in your arms. The little girl hugs your neck tight and Yoongi came and smile at the view.

He shakes his head and approaches you, "You did it again." he teases and you frown. "I don't know why I always forget. I should tattoo her name on my wrist." you say while humming to soothe the little girl.

"You did." Yoongi chips and turn your free hand to reveal the tattoo on your wrist tha reads Alliah. You were surprised but realized what it meant.

"Alliah. Princess let's go play? I'll tell you lots of stories." you kissed little Alliah's head and walked to the backyard fetching her favorite doll on the way.

Little Alliah raises her head to cup her mommy's cheek, "I want new story and not repeat the story you always says."

Her mommy nods as they sit at the grass. Yoongi looks at them in satisfaction.

"I think I overdid the drug." he chuckles and shrugs while walking back to cook lunch.