Your Father Is Rich, How Can You Say You Are Short Of Money?

Half an hour later, Wei Zhengsheng had just received a call from overseas when there was a knock on his office door from outside. Dai Meifen entered.

"President Wei." She walked over and waited for Wei Zhengsheng to finish the call. Then she said, "The dozen or so recruits who were selected for recruitment have all returned. We will have the results in three days."

Wei Zhengsheng nodded. "Okay."

After hesitating for a moment, Dai Meifen placed the small paper box on the desk. Wei Zhengsheng looked at the small box in confusion. "What is this?"

"It's an idea I got from a girl who applied for this job. She wanted me to give it to you. Honestly, I do not know what she was thinking either, but since she's a newcomer and I wanted to be fair, even though I think she's just playing around, I need to give this to you so she will not fail the test."

Wei Zhengsheng looked at the box for a moment and then picked it up. He opened the box and saw a one-dollar bill inside. His eyebrows twitched. "Interesting."

Dai Meifen was taken aback. "President Wei?"

Wei Zhengsheng looked up. "Who gave this to you?"

"A new recruit named Yu Daiyu. I checked her information. She is clearly 23 years old, but she looks very young. Like she's not even 18 years old. Indeed, her young appearance is very enviable to an old woman like me who has reached the age of 30 and above." Dai Meifen took a deep breath.

Wei Zhengsheng smiled. "Call her and ask her to come to the company to see me."

Although Dai Meifen did not know what Wei Zhengsheng was up to, she could only nod. "Okay, I'll call her and ask her to come back to the company immediately."

Yu Daiyu had just taken a cab back to her own apartment, and before her butt could even touch the bed, she received a call from Dai Meifen. After hanging up the phone, she muttered to herself, "The reaction from the President of Xian Corporation is pretty quick."

As Yu Daiyu was on her way back to Xian Corporation, her phone suddenly rang. When she saw the caller ID, her originally happy face was immediately filled with dark clouds. She muted her phone and tossed it back into her bag.

"Yu Daiyu, you are here. You can come inside, President Wei is waiting for you."

Yu Daiyu did not dress up to meet Wei Zhengsheng. This kind of casual personality made Dai Meifen very happy, and her tone softened. "Although President Wei has a good temperament, you are still new, so watch what you say."

"Understood. Thank you, Sister Dai." Yu Daiyu's eyes flashed mischievously as she laughed heartily and knocked on the door.

"President Wei, Yu Daiyu is here." Dai Meifen said from the doorway.

"Come in." Wei Zhengsheng answered nonchalantly.

Dai Meifen gave Yu Daiyu a meaningful look and let her enter. Yu Daiyu smiled and entered the office. As soon as she entered, she saw Wei Zhengsheng sitting behind his desk with a stack of reports.

Yu Daiyui stood obediently by the door without moving.

Wei Zhengsheng looked up at the girl standing in front of the door. No wonder Dai Meifen suspected that she was a young girl. She had a very pretty baby face, and her childlike gaze was looking straight at him, showing no fear or formality just because he was the boss of Xian Corporation. She was very calm.

When Yu Daiyu saw Wei Zhengsheng looking at her, she immediately smiled. "Hello, President Wei."

Wei Zhengsheng looked at her with amusement and said with a faint smile, "Please sit down."

Yu Daiyu followed his gaze and saw the chair in front of him. She did not go to the chair but stopped two meters away from his desk and looked at the paper box that was beside his hand.

"President Wei, you suddenly want to see me, does that mean I can now join Xian Corporation and start working?"

"Why do you want to work at Xian Corporation?" Wei Zhengsheng put the report down. He leaned back in his chair and asked with a faint smile.

"After graduation, I need to find a way to make a living. Entering Xian Corporation right after graduation is the dream of many Chinese students in the United States. I think President Wei should know that many people want to enter Xian Corporation with the same goal. It is because there is an opportunity for growth and high wages." Yu Daiyu said with a smile.

"Is that all?" Wei Zhengsheng looked at her. He wasn't sure if Yu Daiyu knew about the blind date their parents had arranged the other day. He also wasn't sure if this girl only came here with the purpose of causing trouble, or if she really wanted to enter the company and didn't know who exactly he was.

"Otherwise, how does President Wei want me to answer?" Yu Daiyu's bright eyes looked at him, "If I say that it has always been my dream to enter Xian Corporation and that I have to work hard for this dream, will you accept me without hesitation?"

Yu Daiyu looked young and her tone was very calm, but when she spoke, she was like a tough guy who knew how to use her words to stop others from speaking.

How could a sharp-tongued girl like Yu Daiyu be the girl his father had mentioned the other day? A girl whose parents had divorced and whose father married several women and preferred to live alone in a dormitory rather than go home during the holidays?

Initially, after hearing his father's explanation, Wei Zhengsheng felt that this girl's life was very miserable. But how could the Yu Daiyu in front of him be the least bit miserable?

"Can you explain to me what this is?" Wei Zhengsheng picked up the small paper box and looked at the bill inside.

"The end goal is to make money, just like how I want to work at Xian Corporation. It's not a so-called dream or anything like that. I do this to make money, and since everyone wants to make money, then they will work hard for it. For those who have an innovative idea that they can get out of their brain, maybe they will find their idea very outstanding, like in a novel, but this does not mean that they can make money just by being innovative. "


"So I hope President Wei can give me a chance. Although my way of attracting your attention is a bit opportunistic, but the Planning Department must be lacking people like me, right? For my own salary, I am willing to risk my life to serve this company." Yu Daiyu smiled brightly.

However, Wei Zhengsheng casually threw the paper box aside. "You don't need to risk your life. Your life is worthless."

Yu Daiyu: "..."

Yu Daiyu's expression, which seemed to be looking forward to a bright future, immediately collapsed.

"Your father is in the leather business, and his business stretches from China to the United States. So how can you say you are short of money?"