He Is Not Someone Who You Can Hook Up With

Yu Daiyu was stunned for a moment. How did Wei Zhengsheng know about her family? As she recalled, she did not write it in her biography.

"Yu Daiyu, I can give you a chance to enter the Xian Corporation, but the condition is that you must be honest." Wei Zhengsheng stood up and slowly walked towards her.

His tall height forced Yu Daiyu to raise her head slightly to look at him.

Wei Zhengsheng looked down at her. This petite baby-faced girl was not really his type. He really wondered what made his mother think that he would like her.

Yu Daiyu looked at the man in front of her in shock. This was the first time she saw Wei Zhengsheng up close. He was wearing a casual and clean suit, making him look really handsome. Yes, the rumored President Wei of Xian Corporation was not like what she thought. She thought he was the bloated stomach-uncle type, but she did not think he was so handsome.

In addition, the faint expression on his face gave the impression that he was a courageous person, but at the same time, there was also a trace of tenderness and patience in his voice.

After some time, Yu Daiyu finally realized what Wei Zhengsheng was thinking, and she hurriedly took a step back. However, she stumbled.

She looked up at Wei Zhengsheng, who had an amused expression on his face. "Um, President Wei, I didn't know that your Xian Corporation was so powerful. You can actually still know my family background even though I did not write it down. But please believe me when I say that I am not lying. Whether my family is rich and involved in the leather business or not, it has nothing to do with me. Right now, I'm looking for a job to support myself; not going on a blind date where I have to tell everything about myself."

A few days ago, her father had told her that he was looking for a potential older husband for her and wanted her to go meet him and his family. Yu Daiyu did not want to go and stood up the meeting.

After a few days, she did not receive any more calls from her father and thought that he would no longer push her to get married. At the moment, she just wanted to find a job quickly to start her new stable life.

And Yu Daiyu had absolutely no idea that Wei Zhengsheng was the man her father wanted to introduce her to.

Wei Zhengsheng smiled slightly. "Are you really short of money?"

"Enough to support myself for a few months, but I have already graduated and cannot always rely on my family. There are some complicated factors in my family that make me not so eager to go home. My father's business is not that big and he doesn't need me to help him. I have the ability to go out and find a job myself, so there's nothing wrong with that, right? Or does President Wei think there is something wrong with my principles?" Yu Daiyu asked, looking up at him.

Wei Zhengsheng smiled. "Indeed, there's nothing wrong with that."

"So you're saying that I didn't do anything wrong? Then President Wei, why did you say I wasn't being honest with you? Why did you make me panic?" Yu Daiyu was very angry. But after thinking for a moment, she did not explode and said softly, "So can I work here?"

"This is only the second screening. There's still a quality test you have to pass. Go home and prepare yourself. If you pass the test, you'll be hired." Wei Zhengsheng didn't look at her anymore. He returned to his chair and sat down. He picked up the small paper box and pushed it toward her. "Take this back."

Yu Daiyu chuckled. She took the paper box and held it in her hand. "Thank you, President Wei!"

"You don't have to thank me. You didn't use a back door to get in here. One of your sentences hit the nail on the head. In a commercial company like this, profit is very important. If you have the heart, then I will give you this opportunity. However, you still have to be tested according to the normal standards. If you pass it, you will become a member of Xian Corporation. When that time comes, I, myself, will represent Xian Corporation to welcome you." Wei Zhengsheng did not look at her. He casually lit up the computer screen.

Yu Daiyu smiled and walked out of the CEO's office. Through the glass window, she looked back at Wei Zhengsheng. His gaze was fixed on the computer screen, and his expression was calm and indifferent, without any unnecessary emotion.

In the beginning, she felt Wei Zhengsheng was very gentle, causing her heart to beat several times. However, after he said those words to her, her heart slowly became distant. It turned out that he was a man of principle and an indifferent person.

Yu Daiyu pursed her lips. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly saw Dai Meifen working at her desk. Dai Meifen looked up and caught sight of her. She smiled. "How is it?"

"I still have to pass the assessment test before I have a chance." Yu Daiyu smiled and walked up to Dai Meifen. "Sister Dai, how old is President Wei?"

Dai Meifen raised her eyebrow and immediately smiled, "A fresh graduate like you is the easiest to seduce. But let me tell you, President Wei isn't someone you can just hook up with just because you want to. Be careful, don't pick up a stone that will crush your feet.¹"

"Who says I want to hook up with him? I just feel like he should be a bit old, but he looks so young." Yu Daiyu smiled cheerfully. "He must be at least forty years old. But his well-groomed appearance makes him look like he's not yet thirty."

As soon as Dai Meifen picked up her glass and took a sip of water, she almost spit out the water. "Ahem...President Wei is only 34 years old!"

Yu Daiyu nodded with a satisfied smile on her face. "No wonder he's so young."

When Dai Meifen realized that she had been tricked by this little girl, her face stiffened and she immediately slapped the table. "Alright, hurry up and go home. No one is allowed to go up to this floor at will. Talk to me again after you pass the test and officially become a member of the Xian Corporation. I don't have time to chat about this with you right now."

Coincidentally, Yu Daiyu's cell phone rang. Watching the smiling young girl leave to answer the call, Dai Meifen frowned. "What exactly is her idea? How can she pass President Wei's test just like that?"

• • • •

"Yu Daiyu, why are you not answering your phone?" Yu Haitao's voice came over the phone with harsh criticism.

Yu Daiyu immediately checked the caller ID and realized that her father was playing a trick on her. He used an unknown number to call her after she didn't answer his calls.

The corners of Yu Daiyu's mouth twitched. "Dad, whose number is this?"

"Whose else can it be? Your Aunt Qiao's number!" Said Yu Haitao angrily. "Enough, don't talk nonsense to me now, go home now!"

Qiao Song, a thirty-eight-year-old woman, whom Yu Haitao had met at the banquet last year. At that time, he was having a heated argument with Yu Daiyu's third stepmother, and they ended up getting divorced. A few months later, Yu Haitao suddenly brought this woman to meet Yu Daiyu, and they got married last month and were still in their honeymoon phase.

Yu Daiyu didn't like Qiao Song and she had a feeling that Qiao Song wasn't what she looked like.

"I still have a lot to do here, so I won't go back." Yu Daiyu said as she walked into her apartment.

"You brat, you didn't show up at all for the blind date I set up for you a few days ago! Do you know how embarrassed I was? Luckily the people of the Wei Family have good hearts and didn't say anything. I have let you stay outside for so long that you no longer listen to my words. So, come home, now!"






¹ Don't pick up a stone that will crush your feet: to do something that will backfire and cause you harm.