Simply Childish Girl Is Not His Type

"Oh, dad, I still have some work to do here. Let's not talk about this anymore. I'm hanging up for now, bye-bye!" Yu Daiyu suddenly shouted into the receiver and hung up. Then she added the number to the blacklist and threw the phone aside.

Yu Daiyu sat down on the couch and looked at the time. Then she remembered that she hadn't eaten yet. She took her phone back and dialed the number of her favorite stall. "Boss, as usual, please send me two dishes and a bowl of rice. What kind of dish, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that it has to be meat. Hahahaha... It's not like you don't know that I like to eat meat."

"Aiya, I know you're busy, but I want to eat your Chinese food and the food you cook is so delicious."

"Fine, alright. I'll go get them myself. You cook my food first, I'll go to your stall in a moment to eat!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Daiyu stood up, feeling very happy as she thought of the meat dishes she'd eat later. She hummed a song and went to the bathroom to wash her face, tied her hair into a ponytail, and left her small apartment.

• • • •

After two large plates of meat, Yu Daiyu left the stall with a satisfied look on her face. She went to the flowerbed under the apartment building and sat down there.

Then she saw a family going out with their children after finishing their meal. When she saw the happy and warm smiles on the faces of the parents and their children, she also felt happy

Although Yu Daiyu hadn't felt this kind of simple happiness since she was a child, she was still in a good mood. Perhaps it was because her father had changed wives often over the years, so she had become used to it and numb to it. Besides, she was also used to living alone.

Every time she came home, she felt like a guest. And when the stepmothers saw her, they either treated her like an honored guest or turned a blind eye to her.

As for Qiao Song this time, Yu Daiyu didn't want to know about her at all. She didn't even want to go back to the mansion.

As soon as she graduated, her father rushed to marry her off. Perhaps it wasn't because he was selfish, but his fatherly love was genuine, and he had treated her well. Perhaps it was because he was simply afraid she would suffer and be too lonely, and so he wanted her to come home early.

However, Yu Daiyu was already used to living outside alone. She ate and slept alone. Even when she was sick, she would take her medicine and go out to get shots. She would not bother anyone. This solitude had become a part of her life.

• • • •

"President Wei, it's the apartment buildings up ahead." Assistant Reinald pointed to the small area in front of him while turning to Wei Zhengsheng, who was dozing off in the back seat. "We are already officially within the demolition area, and since most of the residents here are renters, our project budget may be a little higher than a normal residential area. And the buildings here are relatively old buildings, and the safety factor is not as high as the buildings nowadays. However, this residential area is very close to the Xian Corporation."

"After the demolition and reconstruction, we can use these buildings as our company's collective homes. Our company has many employees from overseas. Many of them live in dormitories to save money. Why don't we give some benefits to the older employees and lower the price of the house for them?"

As Assistant Reinald said this, he handed the plan in his hand to Wei Zhengsheng. "President Wei, please take a look at it. I showed this plan to Secretary Dai today, and she said that this proposal is good. If you agree with it, I can talk to the construction workers right away."

Wei Zhengsheng opened his eyes and looked at the plan before looking at the apartment buildings. He put down the plan and said, "Park the car, I'll go out and have a look."

The driver immediately parked the car in a parking space and said respectfully, "President Wei, you still have to meet Mr. Zou at the hotel in half an hour."

"I know." Wei Zhengsheng opened the car door and looked around.

The apartments in this neighborhood were not old, but they were not new either. If these buildings were demolished and rebuilt, not only would there be a lot of construction work to do, but many tenants would also lose their homes.

The large number of tenants meant that the cost of compensating their homes would increase many times over. The villas and small farmhouses around the city were all more comfortable than living in these old apartments.

America was not like China. The people here liked to live freely and did not have the habits of many people in China. It was indeed a huge project.

Wei Zhengsheng didn't say anything after a while. Just as he was about to go back to his car, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure sitting on a flower bed in front of the apartment building.

Yu Daiyu was holding the sausage in her hand and eating it with relish. Even though she was already full, she still could not resist buying snacks when she passed the supermarket.

Wei Zhengsheng looked at Yu Daiyu, then glanced at the apartment behind her. He averted his eyes and sat back in the car. "Drive."

Yu Daiyu had just finished her ham sausage. She stood up and threw the package into the trash can next to her. Then she walked straight into the apartment building.

Wei Zhengsheng raised his head and saw this scene in the rearview mirror. When he saw the bag of food in Yu Daiyu's hand, he smiled faintly.

He didn't like this type of girl at all. Yu Daiyu was too childish. However, her smartness made him like her. But unfortunately, although she was smart, she was not mature enough.