Why Is She So Arrogant, She's Just A Newcomer!

Today was Yu Daiyu's sixth day working at the Xian Corporation.

Instead of calling it work, it was more reliable to say that she was doing an internship. An intern like her, who had just entered the company and didn't understand the situation, couldn't do a proper job.

The work here was very tiring and time-consuming. Colleagues in the office were sometimes excited all day about the work they'd get, but after a while, they all lost interest when the work they got wasn't as interesting as they expected.

This led to everyone being in a bad mood during working hours.

"Yu Daiyu, where is my coffee? Didn't I ask you to get me a cup of coffee?" When a colleague from the planning department came back from a meeting and saw that there was no coffee on her desk, she immediately glanced at Yu Daiyu who was printing something in the small room.

Yu Daiyu acted as if she didn't hear her. She slowly printed something out and only paused when her colleague poked her shoulder with the finger.

"I'm talking to you, are you deaf?"

"Sister Chuntao, even though you are a senior in this department, you don't need to poke someone's shoulder with your finger when you speak." In an instant, Yu Daiyu looked at Qian Chuntao with an expressionless face. A smile that didn't reach her eyes appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Qian Chuntao rolled her eyes. "Don't tell me that. I asked you to buy me a coffee before I go to a meeting. Where's the coffee?"

"You just asked me to get you a coffee, but I didn't even say I was going. What makes you think I would go?" Yu Daiyu raised her eyebrow. "From the time you left for the meeting until now, I've been standing here doing my work. My work isn't finished yet, so there's no reason for me to leave my work and go to the cafe outside to buy you a coffee, is there?"

"You..." Qian Chuntao gritted her teeth.

"Besides, you didn't even give me money for the coffee. Do you want me to pay with my own money? Sister Chuntao, I came here to work, not to serve you. I'm not an errand girl who has to clean your desk and buy coffee for you. I will make it clear here that we're all colleagues. Just because you're a little older and I'm new to the company and not familiar with anyone, don't think you can order me around all you want. I advise you not to use this old method to deal with newcomers here. Other colleagues can be respectful to me and not tell me to do anything that isn't within my scope of work, so why should I listen to you? Have you seen too many dramas on TV until you get carried away in the company?"

After Yu Daiyu finished speaking, she directly took the printout and walked out of the small room, leaving Qian Chuntao, whose face turned green from her words, standing there stiffly and glaring at her back.

The other colleagues who saw this drama either pretended not to hear it or bowed their heads to cover their mouths and laughed secretly.

Qian Chuntao turned around and stared at them. "What are you laughing at? Why is she so arrogant, she's just a newcomer!"

"Um, Sister Chuntao, when I first joined this company last year, I bought coffee for you. I still have the receipt. When are you going to return the money to me?"

Qian Chuntao pretended not to hear him and went back to her desk. When she saw that her desk wasn't tidy at all, she punched her keyboard angrily. "This Yu Daiyu ... Who gave her the courage to fight me over a little thing? She wants to get a foothold in this planning department? Hah! That's just simply a dream!"

"I heard that she was personally recruited by President Wei. Maybe that's why she has so much courage because she has a supporter who is above us. Look at how she introduced herself that day. That neither submissive nor overbearing manner of hers clearly shows that she was not someone that easy to break. If you don't find trouble with her, she won't find trouble with you. But if you find trouble with her, she probably won't fall for your trick either."

Yu Daiyu stood outside the office door. She secretly laughed when she heard the conversation inside.

This Qian Chuntao had warned Yu Daiyu on the first day she entered the company. Seeing that Yu Daiyu was a newcomer, Qian Chuntao said with a hypocritical face that as long as Yu Daiyu listened to her, she would sooner or later become one of the great people in the planning department. However, even though Yu Daiyu was a newcomer, she was not fazed by Qian Chuntao's tricks.

For any graduate who had just graduated and started their internship, this workplace was like a test. Whether they passed or failed depended on how they conducted themselves at work.

If you got used to being trampled on by others from the beginning, then you would forever be trampled on. Even if you fought back one day, you would still make people unhappy with you.

Therefore, Yu Daiyu decided to take advantage of everyone who disliked Qian Chuntao and bring them to her side. She would not put up with this kind of colleague who used the name of benevolence to bully her, a newcomer.

Seeing the disgruntled Qian Chuntao throwing away the things on her desk, but the colleague who was sitting next to her looking disgusted, Yu Daiyu secretly smiled.

She turned around with the document in her hand, but she almost bumped into someone. She quickly took a step back and was surprised to see Wei Zhengsheng, who was supposed to be on the top floor, looking at her.

Yu Daiyu lowered her voice in surprise. "President Wei? Why are you here? You just scared me."

Wei Zhengsheng had said before that he himself would personally welcome the new recruits from the planning department. Besides, the Xian Corporation's planning department lacked talent the most, so he would definitely take them seriously.

Coincidentally, he happened to have time, so he came down to take a look at the work environment, but as soon as he walked over, he saw Yu Daiyu leaning against the office door as if she was eavesdropping on the conversation inside.

Wei Zhengsheng looked at her indifferently, then glanced at the document in her hand and said lightly, "This is the company."

He did not say anything else but just reminded her in a nonchalant tone.

Yu Daiyu felt embarrassed. What Wei Zhengsheng meant was that to remind her that this was a company, not a market, where she could do whatever she wanted, such as hiding behind the door and eavesdropping.

"I'm just standing here..." Yu Daiyu said softly. Facing Wei Zhengsheng, she immediately had no confidence.

Wei Zhengsheng just looked at her but said nothing. He then walked into the planning department's office.