A Surprise Visit

When the people in the department saw Wei Zhengsheng, they immediately stood up excitedly.

Dai Meifen looked at Yu Daiyu and said with a faint smile, "Don't think that President Wei has a good temper. He agreed to let you join this company because he wanted to give you a chance, but the company does not tolerate lazy people. If he sees you like this again, you will be fired immediately. Do you understand that? Hurry up, go do your work. If you keep standing here and let him see you do nothing again, he'll scold you later."

The corners of Yu Daiyu's mouth twitched. "I really only stood here for less than a minute. Who would have thought that I would be caught by President Wei..."

While muttering, Yu Daiyu quickly went to the manager's office with the document in her hand. On the way there, she continued to mutter to herself in dissatisfaction. "What do you mean by if he runs into me again, I will be fired? An old man who is 34 years old and still unmarried and has no children, is his sex life so not harmonious that he can fire his employees at will just because of a mere mistake? It makes everyone feel threatened working here because they are afraid something will go wrong."

Inside the department's office, Wei Zhengsheng said, "Every year, the company's profit will be closely related to the Planning Department. This year, our company has a large number of new employees. As far as I know, the new members of the Planning Department comprise 40% of the total staff. I hope everyone will take the new employees seriously. Do not put pressure on them in any way. Working here is not just about making money. It is also important that you are happy at work."

"If there is a commotion between colleagues, I don't think everyone who works here will feel comfortable. It will affect everyone's mood and it will affect everyone's thinking when they do their work. It will also indirectly affect the performance and profitability of the company. I do not want to see that happen."

Wei Zhengsheng did not take aim at anyone. His voice was calm when he said this while looking at the office environment.

"President Wei." Dai Meifen walked up behind him and said quietly, "I just received a call from Mr. Zou. He wants to see you."

Wei Zhengsheng nodded and left the office.

After Yu Daiyu handed the printed document to the manager, she quickly went back and saw Wei Zhengsheng and Dai Meifen waiting for the elevator.

It was said that Wei Zhengsheng didn't use the VIP elevator provided for him. He preferred to use the staff elevator with his staff.

Just as she was thinking about this, Yu Daiyu walked toward them as she was passing by. When she thought of how Dai Meifen had described Wei Zhengsheng's character as being so strict, she couldn't help but glance in his direction.

Wei Zhengsheng acted as if he didn't see Yu Daiyu. When the elevator doors opened, he stepped inside.

Yu Daiyu raised her eyebrow and quickly went back to the office. However, as soon as she entered the office, she noticed that all her colleagues were looking at her differently.

Some stole glanced at her, some watched her curiously, and others like Qian Chuntao, were looking at her with eyes full of disgust and anger, but it seemed that their gazes had lost a lot of edge when they looked at her.

What had happened when she wasn't here?

During the lunch break, Yu Daiyu was about to find a place to eat in the canteen when she heard some colleagues whispering to each other at the next table.

"Hey, you said that President Wei deliberately made a surprise visit today and even warned you not to bully new people? Does it really have something to do with that Yu Daiyu? Is he there to seek justice for her?"

"I'm not sure either, but the possibility of President Wei visiting the departments on the lower floor is extremely rare!"

"Hey, hey, hey, that doesn't have to be the case. I heard that President Wei wasn't very busy today. He seemed to have visited many departments, and it didn't look like he was targeting anyone, nor was he deliberately trying to protect anyone. By the way, who is this Yu Daiyu you're talking about?" Whispered another colleague from the other department.

"It's the graduate who was personally recruited by President Wei. The one with the baby face..."

"I've been in Xian Corporation for more than two years. Since President Wei officially became the president, I've only seen him less than four times in those years! And even if I did, I just happened to see him in the main hall by chance. Today is the first time I've been so close to him in the office."

"No matter what the reason is for President Wei's surprise visit, I just want to tell you that President Wei is really handsome!"

"Aiya, it's not like our President Wei depends on his looks to survive. I heard that President Wei has always been Xian Zihao's best assistant and friend since he started this company. If Xian Guiying hadn't taken over this company back then, President Wei would probably have been the head of our company a long time ago!"

When they talked about Xian Zihao, several of the female colleagues' eyes lit up. "I heard that Xian Zihao brought his wife to this company a few years ago, but since I haven't worked here yet, I never had the chance to meet him. I could only see his appearance in photos. Oh my God, he is so handsome!"

"Hey, hey, don't go crazy about him. He already has a wife and kids. Even if you are crazy about him, you have to change the target!"

"What target? I'm just talking. My target is always President Wei, okay? Besides, an extraordinary man like him is still single!"

"Hey, do you guys think there's a problem with President Wei? His condition is so good. I heard that his father is also a university professor, and his family's background is also so good. He is tall and handsome, and his character is not violent at all. But... Why haven't I ever heard that he has a dating partner? Is he....?"

" Don't talk nonsense. Aren't all bachelors golden at this age? Men in their forties are still blooming. But we women... in ten years, we'll be like peanut butter!"

"You are peanut butter! Your whole family is peanut butter!"

Yu Daiyu walked over to the empty dining table and sat down by herself. She stuffed the food into her mouth and eyed them suspiciously.

She remembered that Wei Zhengsheng had once said that he would personally come to greet the newcomers once they officially joined the company.

Therefore, he visited several offices and said things that were beneficial to the newcomers, which was normal.

The development of Xian Corporation had never been hidden from the outside world, whether it was under the supervision of the early-stage boss Xian Zihao, or the later Xian Guiying and now Wei Zhengsheng.

Wei Zhengsheng was not a member of the Xian Family, but he was the person Xian Zihao trusted the most. The fact that Wei Zhengsheng now held the position of president of the Xian Corporation showed that he was indeed a dragon among men. Otherwise, he would not be sitting in this position firmly.

Yu Daiyu was curious. With Wei Zhengsheng's condition that was so good, how come he still did not have a life partner?

Could there really be a problem with him?