Maybe This Is A Fate


Yu Daiyu had just returned to her apartment after work, but just as she was about to enter the apartment building, someone called her name.

When Yu Daiyu heard the noise behind her, she immediately tightened her grip on her bag. She slowly turned around and saw that her family's driver had parked the car on the side of the road. Yu Haitao got out of the car and walked towards her.

Yu Daiyu frowned. "Dad... What are you doing here?"

"You've changed residence so many times, it's hard for me to find you. You brat, you really are a child who likes to make her parents worry!" Yu Haitao looked at her and said with displeasure. "Where did you come from? From work? I heard you're working at Xian Corporation now."

"Who did you hear that from?" Yu Daiyu widened her eyes. "Did you send people to investigate me?"

"You're my daughter, is there even the need for me to investigate? I went to your university. Your first job after graduation is on your record." Yu Haitao said seriously, "Come home with me."

Yu Daiyu was silent for a moment before saying, "Dad, I don't want to go back. I want to work and live a good life by myself..."

"Silly girl, do you know who I recommended to you last time?" Yu Haitao raised his eyebrow.

Yu Daiyu pursed her lips. "No, I don't. But dad, I'm only 23 years old, so why should I get married? Dad, don't mention this to me again. I'm definitely not going home. I just want to work hard now. Besides, your business doesn't need my help. While your leather business isn't bad, but it's different from my major."

"Girl, if you want to take a shortcut, you need to go to another place. My daughter may not be a rich young lady, but she certainly wouldn't work under someone else's nose. That president of Xian Corporation, he is-"

Before Yu Haitao could finish his sentence, Yu Daiyu's phone rang. The sound of the phone seemed to have saved her, so she immediately picked up the phone and smiled. "Dad, you must be busy, right? So, go home. Don't worry about me. I'll be alright. I have to answer this phone and I still have to have dinner with my roommate. I'll be going first."

After saying that, Yu Daiyu quickly entered the apartment building without giving care to the world.

"Yu Daiyu! Child, you ..." Yu Haitao stepped forward and let out a long sigh as he watched Yu Daiyu's retreating back that seemed to run away from him.

The driver who had observed this slowly said, "Sir, the young madam has been used to living alone since childhood. Since she has just graduated and has the courage to live outside alone, you can let her give it a shot."

What the driver said was right. It wasn't wrong to let Yu Daiyu wander outside alone, but this girl didn't know that her boss was the son of the Wei Family. The prospective husband he wanted to introduce to her.

Maybe this was fate.

Yu Haitao smiled. He had no intention to talk about this further, so he went back to the car.

Yu Daiyu happily took the call. She wanted to avoid her father and this call came at just the right time. She was so happy and didn't check the caller ID.

She entered the apartment building, held the phone to her ear, and said, "Hello?"

The person was silent for a long time before answering, "Yu Daiyu."

Yu Daiyu's face stiffened when she heard this voice.

"It's me, Zixin."

Yu Daiyu clutched her phone tighter. She bit her lips and looked at the elevator for a moment, saying nothing.

"I'm back from France. I want to see you, is that okay?"

"Is there a need to see me?" Yu Daiyu's face darkened a little. She hung up the phone and went inside as soon as the elevator door opened.

Her eyes were a little red, but she didn't let the tears fall. When the elevator reached the floor where she lived, she looked down and walked out while rummaging in her bag for her keys.


Yu Daiyu suddenly looked up and saw Yan Zixin, whom she hadn't seen in two years, standing in front of her apartment. He was holding a bag of fruit in one hand and a bag of all kinds of snacks she liked to eat in the other.

"I've been looking for you for the past week. I asked your roommates, then found out your number and where you live now. Originally, I wanted to go to Xian Corporation and wait for you there, but I heard that the management of Xian Corporation is very strict and I don't know the place well, so I decided to wait here." Yan Zixin smiled fondly as he waved two bags in front of her eyes. "They are your favorite."

However, Yu Daiyu was expressionless as she looked at the two bags in front of her before looking towards the apartment door.

Instead of opening the door and going inside, she quickly turned around and rushed back into the elevator as if she was running away. She quickly pressed the button to close the door quickly.

"Daiyu!" Yan Zixin rushed in quickly and slipped into the elevator just as it was about to close.

Yu Daiyu's face turned pale, but she silently gritted her teeth and didn't look at him. She just waited for the elevator to reach the first floor.

"Daiyu, please don't avoid me. Listen to me first, okay?" Yan Zixin held the two bags in one hand and was about to touch her shoulder with the other.

"Take your dirty hands off me!" Yu Daiyu shouted, staring at him expressionlessly.

Seeing her attitude, Yan Zixin pursed his lips. He hesitated for a moment before lowering his hand and not touching her shoulder. "Qiuyue and I have broken up. During these two years in France, I missed you so much. After I finally got rid of her, I came back to America to find you..."

As soon as the elevator door finally opened, Yu Daiyu rushed out without paying attention to what he was saying.

Seeing that, Yan Zixin hurriedly put down the bags in his hand on the floor and chased after her.

Yan Zixin was a tall man and had long legs. Before Yu Daiyu could run out of the apartment building, he grabbed her by the arm and she was dragged back.

"Daiyu, stop running away! Please listen to my explanation! It was my fault when I decided to choose Hou Qiuyue. I was in a state of confusion at that time, unable to know what kind of woman I liked. After these two years, I finally realized how much I love you!"