To Meet Yan Zixin In This Life, She Must Have Been Unlucky For The Last Eight Lifetimes!

Just as Yu Daiyu looked at Wei Zhengsheng in shock, not knowing what to do, the soft laughter of several of her colleagues could be heard not far away.

"Aiyo, Daiyu. I love you, please forgive me..."

"Tsk, it's so vulgar. I thought we were in the middle of watching a third-rate idol drama. His method of asking forgiveness was really old-fashioned."

"It's so obvious that they're Chinese. Why are some people willing to throw their faces in the trash as soon as they come to America?"

"Yes, how embarrassing!"

"But this woman is very fierce. If I were in her place, I would have run to help the man. But she can still stand there. Did you see that earlier? She knocked the man down so easily."

"She deliberately threw the man backward. With her wild personality, no man would want her. If she had screamed for help earlier, our company's security guards would have helped her, but she didn't ask for help. Who dares to come forward? We don't even know the situation at all."

"Yeah, yeah, that's her boyfriend, isn't it? He's quite handsome, how can he have such a personality? His skill at pestering people is even more amazing than women's."

"Tsk, you guys have no idea. There really is that type of man in this world. He thinks he's domineering and handsome, but in reality, he's very good at pestering women. It's hard to guard ourselves against this kind of man!"

"Hey, hey, stop talking. She is looking at us..."

When Yu Daiyu turned to look at those female colleagues, they quickly turned around and pretended to be passing by, and went inside.

She, Yu Daiyu, had always believed she could live alone outside. She was used to being independent and believed that she could withstand all kinds of hardships, even if she was bullied as soon as she entered the company.

However, she never thought that the "confession of love" from her ex-boyfriend would break her composure.

Yu Daiyu took two deep breaths and stood in the same spot without saying anything. She didn't move until the crowd gradually dispersed.

Is it now time for her to submit her resignation letter? Now that such a farce had taken place in front of the Xian Corporation, perhaps no one would let her work here anymore.

But who was the one who was really hurt here?

She was the victim, wasn't she?

Two years ago, Yu Daiyu left Yan Zixin without looking back because she didn't want anything to do with a man like him anymore. However, she didn't expect that he would come back into her life and make a mess of her life.

Forget it.

Yu Daiyu thought for a moment and was about to return to her office to write her resignation letter, but just as she passed Wei Zhengsheng, she heard someone calling for her.

"Yu Daiyu."

It was Wei Zhengsheng's voice. It was very faint and calm. His voice didn't carry a hint of anger, but she didn't feel the hint of comfort or warmth in it either.

Yu Daiyu paused for a moment and looked back at the handsome man standing at the entrance of the company. She pursed her lips and turned to face him. "President Wei, I'm sorry."

Wei Zhengsheng looked at her and said, "Come to my office."

With that, he walked past her toward the elevator door.

Yu Daiyu knew that she would definitely be fired and scolded by Wei Zhengsheng before she left. She followed behind him slowly in sadness. She also saw Wei Zhengsheng's special assistant looking at her with disdain.

Yu Daiyu rolled her eyes silently. She didn't get on the same elevator as them. She took a different elevator. Since most of the employees would use this elevator, this elevator would always stop and be quite slow.

When Yu Daiyu arrived at the floor where the CEO's office was located, Wei Zhengsheng was already in his office.

She glanced at the office door in front of her and took a deep breath before exhaling.

What could she do? At most, she would only be scolded by Wei Zhengsheng. At worst, she'd just resign and change jobs. The sky would not collapse and it wasn't like she was going to die.

With this thought, Yu Daiyu gathered her courage and knocked on the door. After a while, she heard Wei Zhengsheng say, "Come in."

Yu Daiyu pushed open the door and went inside.

Wei Zhengsheng was sitting in his chair, answering a call with a calm expression. His handsome face gave off a sense of alienation that could only be seen from a distance.

Yu Daiyu obediently remained standing in the doorway and didn't enter. She pursed her lips slightly, thinking of what she should do when she was scolded in a moment.

It was only when Wei Zhengsheng put down the phone did he seem to remember Yu Daiyu. He lifted his gaze and looked at her indifferently.

Seeing Wei Zhengsheng looking at her, the corners of Yu Daiyu's mouth twitched. "President Wei, I'm very sorry for what happened today. Although I really want to say that this matter has nothing to do with me, I also know that everyone has seen it. No matter how I explain it, it's pointless. But I really -"

"Who is he?" Wei Zhengsheng didn't listen to her explanation. He suddenly asked softly.

Yu Daiyu looked at him and then she said in a low voice, "My ex-boyfriend."

Wei Zhengsheng slowly raised his eyebrow. Looking at Yu Daiyu's face, his guess about her in a relationship with the man was correct. However, he didn't say much and just smiled. "Why are you standing so far away?"

Yu Daiyu was stunned for a moment. Thinking that Wei Zhengsheng had myopic eyes and couldn't see the sincere expression on her face clearly, Yu Daiyu could only close the office door and walk a few steps forward until she was about four meters away from his desk.

Yu Daiyu said nothing, allowing Wei Zhengsheng to examine her expression. Perhaps he was thinking of some reason to teach her a lesson or some reason to kick her out of the Xian Corporation.

Come, come, come, just scold her. Who asked her to live a miserable life? To meet Yan Zixin as her first love in this life, she must have been unlucky for the last eight lifetimes!

Wei Zhengsheng did not say anything. When he received an email from Dai Meifen, he casually clicked the mouse and opened the email, reading the contents inside.

It was very quiet in the office, with only the sound of Wei Zhengsheng clicking his mouse from time to time. Yu Daiyu stood there, not knowing what Wei Zhengsheng was trying to do.

Was this mental torture?

After a few minutes, Wei Zhengsheng averted his eyes from the screen and looked at her. "Why are you not saying anything?"

"Huh?" Yu Daiyu was stunned for a moment and then looked at him in confusion, "Um, President Wei ... What else can I say for you not to fire me?"

Wei Zhengsheng chuckled. "When did I say I was going to fire you?"