Wei Zhengsheng Has Taken A Liking To Her?

Yu Daiyu's eyes suddenly lit up. "You're really not going to fire me?" Then her attitude changed 180 degrees.

She smiled as if she had won millions of dollars and nodded enthusiastically. "Don't worry, President Wei. I will work hard! Something like this will definitely never happen again! I promise!"

Seeing that she only cared about whether she would be fired or not, and didn't seem to want to explain too much, Wei Zhengsheng didn't force her to say anything. He just looked at the little girl in front of him helplessly.

If it wasn't for the blind date arranged by his mother a few days ago, he would not have cared about Yu Daiyu. What happened to her had nothing to do with him. It was just that when he heard his father mention her family, he felt sorry for her.

Seeing Yu Daiyu's excited face that she would not be fired, Wei Zhengsheng did not say much and only said, "Since you have made such a promise, this company will not act cruelly. I can give you a chance. Of course, there is only one chance. I do not want what happened in front of the company today to happen again. Do you understand?"

"I know, President Wei. That man is a madman. He wanted to win me back when he saw that I was so beautiful and cute. How could a woman of integrity like me have anything to do with him? I will do my duty as best I can. There will be no more problems like this happening again in the future, I promise!"

Wei Zhengsheng's eyelids twitched as he looked at Yu Daiyu, who was patting her chest assuringly.

To prevent her boss from regretting not punishing her, Yu Daiyu took advantage of the situation and said, "Then, President Wei, I will leave first. I want to go back to my office to work."

Saying this, she turned around and was about to run towards the door. Just as she quickly went to the door and opened it, she suddenly heard Wei Zhengsheng's voice behind her. "Don't go home after work. Follow me to meet a client."

Yu Daiyu froze in her step. "Meet a client?"

She was neither a special assistant nor a public relations employee in this company. How could a small intern in the Planning Department like her have the qualifications to meet a client with the big boss of the company?

The client Wei Zhengsheng personally met was definitely a heavyweight!

Yu Daiyu slowly turned her head. There was a hint of doubt in her eyes, but Wei Zhengsheng did not look at her. He clicked on the mouse and looked at the document on the screen, saying, "Make up for your mistake."

"Oh..." answered Yu Daiyu. After she left the office, the door closed, isolating the man who exuded a cold and pure aura from the rest of the world.

Yu Daiyu walked toward the elevator. She had a vague feeling that Wei Zhengsheng had asked her to accompany him to meet the client, not just to make up for her mistake.

She, a small intern, had overstepped her authority and directly went to follow Wei Zhengsheng to meet his client as soon as she entered the company. This kind of treatment clearly benefited her.

At least she could shut down the gossip in the company and make people think that she was a relative of Wei Zhengsheng or something. This way, no one dared to criticize her anymore.

Of course, this was just her assumption. Although Yu Daiyu didn't know what Wei Zhengsheng meant by this, but in general, she felt that he was always helping her.

Could it be that Wei Zhengsheng had taken a liking to her? And he wanted to use this method to get close to her?

"Aiya!" Yu Daiyu suddenly held her face with both hands. She entered the elevator with a dreamy and crazy look. Then she looked at her small face in the reflection on the elevator wall. Embarrassed, she twisted her hip shyly and tapped her toes. "Does he really like me?"

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Yu Daiyu immediately straightened her expression. She continued walking to the office. Colleagues passing by all pointed their fingers at her. There was no shortage of personal jibes, belittling, and all kinds of criticism they hurled at her.

Yu Daiyu pretended not to hear anything and returned to the office, unafraid of stares of all kinds. She sat down on her chair and thought for a moment. She took her cell phone out of the drawer and saw several unread messages on it.

They had all been sent by Yan Zixin before he came here with his nasty confession. Yu Daiyu had been very busy all day, so she didn't have time to look at her phone. If she had seen these messages earlier, she might have been able to prevent this madman's action.

Yu Daiyu deleted all the messages in annoyance. She didn't bother to think about whether Yan Zixin's waist was injured, because he himself had asked for it.

"Yu Daiyu." Suddenly, the manager of the Planning Department walked in and said, "I just received a call from Secretary Dai. You will accompany President Wei to a dinner with his client. You have 15 minutes to get ready."

In an instant, the colleagues who had been secretly whispering about her fell silent. The silence in the office made Yu Daiyu feel so good!