Not An Ordinary Man

When An Ha's car arrived in front of the door of the hotel, a waiter from the restaurant quietly went to Wei Zhengsheng's table and whispered in his ear to announce An Ha's arrival.

Wei Zhengsheng nodded and looked at Yu Daiyu, who was still looking intently at the file while biting into the steak on her fork.

This steak was the second plate she had ordered. She claimed she would not eat too much, and yet, look. This girl was so petite, but her appetite was so big.

"President Wei, does this mean 70%?" Yu Daiyu suddenly pointed at the estimated profit and said with a face full of surprise. "70% of the profit goes to Xian Corporation? Uncle An ... Uh, I mean, can Vice President An Ha agree to that? After all, it is a partnership between the two companies."

"A partnership is a partnership, but most of the profit from fame comes from Xian Corporation. Giving them 30% can also be considered a big profit, and that's just because of an old friendship. Otherwise, they can only get 10% or 20% of the profit."

Wei Zhengsheng looked at his watch. "Vice President An Ha is here. Finish your steak and let's go to the reception room."

"Ah, I am full!" Yu Daiyu hurriedly took another bite of the steak on her fork, then raised her head and said with a bright smile. "My mouth is full of the taste of black pepper. I'll go and rinse my mouth. I'll be back in a minute."

After Yu Daiyu went to the washroom to rinse her mouth, the two of them went to the reception room on the tenth floor of the hotel. An Ha was already sitting there with his secretary as if discussing something about the proposal.

"Vice President An Ha, long time no see." Wei Zhengsheng came in and greeted him enthusiastically.

An Ha was a man in his fifties, but he looked quite young. When he saw Wei Zhengsheng, he smiled warmly. "Aiya, President Wei. It's been a long time since we met. The last time we saw each other was during the contract negotiations three years ago, wasn't it? At that time, you had just risen from the position of vice president. I never thought time would pass so quickly!"

Hearing An Ha's friendly voice, Yu Daiyu quietly stuck her head out from behind Wei Zhengsheng.

An Ha was a northeastern man. He later went to Beijing to expand his business with Yu Daiyu's father. Even after years in Beijing, his northeastern heroic longhat still never changed.

Originally, An Ha was looking at Wei Zhengsheng's smiling face, but when he saw the head peeking out from behind Wei Zhengsheng, he was taken aback for a moment.

He pushed the proposal in his hand to the secretary, then tilted his head and stared over Wei Zhengsheng's shoulder for a long time.

Wei Zhengsheng turned around and saw Yu Daiyu hiding behind him. He raised his eyebrow slightly. Didn't she say she wouldn't have stage fright? It hadn't even started yet, and she was already shrinking.

Noticing Wei Zhengsheng's gaze, Yu Daiyu apologetically raised her hand and touched her forehead. She awkwardly said, "Let me think for a moment... Breathe in... Breathe out..."

"Daiyu?" An Ha seemed to finally see Yu Daiyu clearly, and when he made sure it was her, he frowned. "What are you doing here?"

Yu Daiyu chuckled and stepped out from behind Wei Zhengsheng. "Uncle An."

An Ha was immediately amused. He looked at her and then looked at Wei Zhengsheng. "What do you mean by this? Are you trying to confuse me?"

"Vice President An, don't worry. Miss Yu is Xian Corporation's employee, there's no harm in her appearing here with me." Wei Zhengsheng nodded to the waiter at the side as he spoke. The waiter went over and pulled out a chair for Yu Daiyu.

Yu Daiyu obediently sat down and smiled at An Ha. "Uncle An, don't think too much. I didn't know that President Wei would meet you. If I knew it was you, I would definitely dress up properly. How could I've come here like this so hastily?"

"You, spoiled girl, have always had a sweet mouth since childhood." An Ha sneered, then he looked at the document in Yu Daiyu's hand as if he understood something.

This Wei Zhengsheng, ever since he started hanging out with that brat Xian Zihao, An Ha already knew that he was just not a piece of cake. It was just An Ha didn't expect that Wei Zhengsheng would really use everything he had to the best of his abilities and bring this girl here, knowing that An Ha treated Yu Daiyu like his own daughter.

An Ha had originally wanted to get some of the benefits from Xian Corporation, but now it seemed that it would be a little difficult.

Yu Daiyu had just graduated, so she didn't have much practical experience and didn't know what kind of procedure was needed to start a conversation.

In short, her only goal was to get An Ha to sign the contract, but logically, Xian Corporation's contract was very humane and not too much, but it was 20% less than what An Ha wanted.

Wei Zhengsheng was right. Most of the profit from the business cooperation between the two of them came from the popularity and reputation of Xian Corporation.

After thinking about what to say and to avoid embarrassment, Yu Daiyu smiled and patted the document in her hand, saying, "Uncle An, I'm here tonight for a business discussion, so I won't try to approach you using our relationship. We won't talk about common and meaningless things."

When An Ha saw that this girl went straight to the heart of the conversation, he had to laugh and didn't refuse. He took the contract and found that the contents and conditions were exactly as he expected. The profit was 20% less than what he wanted, but he said nothing.

After reading all the clauses, he was silent for a moment and then said, "I hear there's a pretty good bar downstairs. Would you like to go for a drink, President Wei?"

As he said this, he looked at Wei Zhengsheng.

Wei Zhengsheng's eyebrows rose slightly. " Vice President An's hospitality, of course, I will accept it. It's just that I don't know..."

He glanced at Yu Daiyu, clearly not sure if she was familiar with the bar's environment.

An Ha thought Wei Zhengsheng wasn't sure if Yu Daiyu could hold alcohol, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, this girl has a good alcohol tolerance. In the year of the Spring Festival, Yu Daiyu's father took her back to China to celebrate the Spring Festival together. I also went back and we went out for a few drinks, but in the end, her father and I both got drunk by this wretched girl and she remained sober!"