Destroying The Bridge After Crossing The River

Yu Daiyu smiled dryly at Wei Zhengsheng after being described like that by An Ha. Wei Zhengsheng nodded. "All right. Let's go, Vice President An."

"Let's, let's, let's ~"

When they finally arrived at the bar, Yu Daiyu didn't disappoint An Ha in the slightest. She didn't hesitate at all. Usually, girls would say that they didn't know how to drink and then pretend to be drunk and pass their assignments to others, but Yu Daiyu didn't do that.

"Come on, Uncle An. This is the first time we've met in such a formal setting. Cheers!"

"Uncle An, please don't take offense at me for talking to you seriously. I'm here with President Wei, so I have to do my part in this work. Tonight, my job is to get you to sign this contract. If you refuse, I will definitely be scolded by my boss when I go back to the company later. Look at me, I'm so pitiful..."

"Sigh, child, you... You're really pitiful. Since you were a child, you never had your biological mother by your side. I still remember when you were little, your father went out on a honeymoon with his new wife. He left you alone at home for a long time. Yes, at that time, there was a nanny accompanying you, but it wasn't the same as having your own father by your side. And one day, on your birthday, your father was out of town on business. I went to buy a cake to celebrate your birthday together, but you weren't home. Your stepmother was home making face masks, and she didn't know about your birthday at all. After I asked, I found out that you had gone to school. When I went to your school to look for you, I saw you sitting alone at the school gate in a daze and sadness. How old were you then? You were only 16 years old, but your life was already pitiful enough. My heart ached so much then."

An Ha drank a few more glasses of wine, then he said with a regretful look in his eyes. "Your father is good at everything, it's just that he falls in love very easily. Fortunately, although he's sometimes careless with you, he still feels sorry for you and knows how to take care of your welfare. Otherwise, I'd definitely break off our relationship! That old man only knows how to think about beauty every day!"

Yu Daiyu just smiled and boldly slapped An Ha's shoulder. "Uncle An, let's not talk about old things anymore. It will only make us sad. Come on, let's drink."

Wei Zhengsheng's brows had been furrowed when he heard what An Ha said. Although he had heard a little about the Yu Family from his father, he didn't know that Yu Daiyu's life was so pitiful. When he looked at Yu Daiyu, it seemed like this girl had no intention of crying or reminiscing about the past.

She persistently urged An Ha to drink. In her mind, she had only one goal, and that was to make An Ha sign the contract.

This girl was truly a weirdo.

After three rounds of drinking, Yu Daiyu put her arm around An Ha's shoulder. She patted him on the shoulder from time to time. "Uncle An, it's not that I don't want to listen to you talk about my family and yours, but we're here to talk business. So don't talk about this anymore, okay? Come on, keep drinking..."

"No, I can't drink anymore..." An Ha leaned back on the sofa, unable to speak clearly. He raised his hand and pushed the glass away. "I can't drink anymore. I'm going to get drunk if I keep drinking..."

Looking at An Ha's drunken appearance, and even though Yu Daiyu wasn't as drunk as him, she was still slightly drunk. She looked at Wei Zhengsheng, who was staring at her meaningfully, and blushed. "Um... President Wei... Vice President An seems to be drunk... So what about the contract?"

Even in this situation, she didn't forget about the contract. Wei Zhengsheng had actually hired a good employee for his company.

He looked at Yu Daiyu with a faint smile. Seeing her red face, he handed the contract to An Ha and then said to her, "You go sit over there. I'll take care of it."

"What?" Yu Daiyu immediately frowned and patted his arm hard. "What are you doing? Destroying the bridge after you crossed the river? I helped you get Uncle An drunk so that this contract would be easy to negotiate. In the end, after I paved the way for you, you threw me aside. Isn't this just destroying the bridge after crossing the river...? "

As she spoke, she vigorously patted his arm. "My stomach is already full of wine, and now you want to throw me away..."

Wei Zhengsheng sighed and pulled his arm. He grabbed her by the waist to hold her back, then sat between her and An Ha, then took a pillow from the sofa and placed it in her arms. He pushed her to the edge of the sofa. "You should get some sleep. After drinking so much, your stomach will feel uncomfortable. If you feel like throwing up, get up and go to the washroom."

Although there were many women who were drunk in front of him, and their appearance didn't affect him in the least, but Yu Daiyu was different. She was the daughter of his father's friend, and he had to protect her.

Just now, when Wei Zhengsheng heard what An Ha had said, he was also curious about Yu Daiyu's alcohol tolerance. Therefore, he didn't even think of stopping her until he saw that An Ha was completely drunk by her. But at the same time, Yu Daiyu was obviously not clear-headed enough to handle this job.

It was a good thing to talk about the contract and have a drink to lighten the mood, but that didn't mean both parties had to be drunk to sign the contract.

Yu Daiyu was gently pushed away. She leaned against the corner of the sofa and rested her head on the back of the sofa. She was still frowning, but when she felt the soft pillow in her hands, she embraced it with a smile and lowered her head to bury her face in the pillow.

Seeing that Yu Daiyu finally became obedient, Wei Zhengsheng shook his head. When he saw her ordering An Ha's secretary to find some beauties for her, the corners of his lips twitched slightly. Then his eyes turned to An Ha. "Vice President An, you have had too much to drink. I will leave this contract here for now. We will talk about it when you have awakened from your drinking."

"No need, no need." An Ha waved his hand and spoke the truth. "Actually, President Wei, let me tell you the truth. Before I came to see you, I knew that this contract would not bring much benefit, and I had already thought of how to take at least 50% of the profit at that time. I never thought that you would play your hidden trump card by bringing this child here. I really admire you. As a businessman, I know to leave some faces to others."

With his head swinging back and forth, he looked at Yu Daiyu, who was hugging her pillow. "This child has only recently graduated, and this is the first time she has come here to discuss a business contract. As her uncle, no matter what, I have to give her some face. So I am not going to waste any more of your time and my time..."

Wei Zhengsheng smiled. "If Vice President An has thought about it, then we don't need to waste much time talking. I really value our cooperation. Otherwise, I would not have taken the time to discuss this contract with you personally. Therefore, Vice President An, you can sign it now."

An Ha took the contract. He lazily leaned back on the sofa and looked at it for a moment. He nodded. "I just read the terms and conditions. You guys... The conditions you set are very humane. You did not force your peers to die. That's why Xian Corporation has been very famous and respected in Boston for many years. I, An Ha, admire all of you. I'm really convinced!"