It Seems That The Rumors Are True

Yu Daiyu rubbed her red, aching nose and coughed twice. She did not answer Wei Zhengsheng and just pressed the elevator door's close button.

She then looked at her watch. She was already 30 seconds late, and if she went to the office now, she would be counted as late. Since Wei Zhengsheng had told her to go to the medical room, then she would do so. If the manager asked her about her lateness, at least she would have a good reason.

With these thoughts, Yu Daiyu directly pressed the "9" button in the elevator.

While sitting on the soft sofa in the medical room, she overheard the conversation of the staff sitting in the adjacent observation room.

"President Xian and President Qin's wedding will take place soon, but I actually heard that they have a daughter before. It turned out that the little girl we met at the company before is President Xian and President Qin's daughter..."

"Is that so? The rules for secret relationships in this company are really strict. This child is grown up and we just found out that President Xian and President Qin were once married. So did they get divorced and now they want to get married again? Aiya, is this how rich people play? Get married and divorce as they please?"

"Do not talk nonsense. I think President Xian and President Qin love each other. I still remember in some business magazines many years ago. President Xian and President Qin were often gossiped about as a couple."

"Who knows what happened to their relationship? But they actually have such a big daughter. That's amazing!"

"President Wei was very kind to President Xian back then, and I often saw this child named Qianqian jumping into President Wei's arms whenever she came to the company. Hey, do you think President Wei.."

"Don't talk nonsense. President Wei cares about President Xian because of Chairman Xian. And although President Wei is very good to President Xian, they haven't had any rumors about each other all this time. I think the relationship between them should be very simple and not as complicated as you think."

Yu Daiyu looked up at the hanging IV dropper bottle and her head hurt more and more.

"How are you feeling? Are you feeling a little better now?" The nurse in the medical room helped Yu Daiyu remove the needle from her hand and smiled at her.

Yu Daiyu nodded. "I'm much better now."

The nurse smiled and said, "You already have a fever of 39 degrees and still want to go back to work? You're really a dedicated employee. If you feel too uncomfortable in the afternoon, you can come here again or you can take a leave of absence and go home to rest."

Yu Daiyu nodded and left the medical room. She had just come out of the medical room and hadn't even reached the elevator when she saw Dai Meifen coming out of the elevator.

Dai Meifen walked up to her with a smile. "Daiyu, have you seen the doctor yet?"

"I have." Yu Daiyu raised her hand so that Dai Meifen could see the medical patch on her hand.

"That's good. Before President Wei went to his office, he asked me to come down to check on you. You can go home and rest. You don't need to work today."

"Sister Dai, I'm fine. I can still work. I just have a little cold." Yu Daiyu was flattered and waved her hands. "I'm really fine."

"You're still saying you're fine! Your fever is almost 39 degrees." The nurse came out to listen to their conversation and couldn't stop herself from saying this.

Yu Daiyu immediately smiled.

"Daiyu, go home and rest. President Wei has given you a leave of absence."

Yu Daiyu couldn't refuse anymore. Her head ached unbearably. She could only rub her forehead and nod. "Alright, thank you, Sister Dai. I'll go home and rest."

When Yu Daiyu entered the elevator, the nurse quickly asked Dai Meifen with a gossiping expression. "This Yu Daiyu seems to have a very good relationship with President Wei, doesn't she? It seems that the rumors I heard a while ago are true..."

Dai Meifen glanced at her and said nothing. She simply walked away.

She had worked alongside Xian Guiying for many years, and she had also worked with Wei Zhengsheng for many years. Back then, Wei Zhengsheng was also slowly waiting for Xian Guiying like this. Until now, Dai Meifen knew that Yu Daiyu was nothing special. However, if there really was a woman who could make Wei Zhengsheng's life a little different, she was also quite looking forward to it.


All the way home, even though Yu Daiyu had a headache, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about today's events.

Wei Zhengsheng's care for her might seem warm, but in truth, it was actually very distant. He was not the type of person to run after a woman he loved like crazy, or it could be said that he did not like her at all.

But even though this care seemed warm and distant, this ethereal warmth that could barely be touched was the easiest way to touch a woman's heart. Yu Daiyu admitted that on this day alone, she somehow kept thinking about Wei Zhengsheng.

This included the scene where Wei Zhengsheng saw her naked body when she changed clothes in his apartment the other day.

When Yu Daiyu got out of the cab and was about to enter the apartment building, she suddenly saw the figure of Yan Zixin, whom she had almost forgotten the existence of, standing there.

He looked thinner and paler. He seemed to have been waiting for her there for a long time.

Yu Daiyu stopped and looked at Yan Zixin from a distance. After frowning for a moment, she decided to leave before he saw her. However, just as she turned to leave, Yan Zixin's voice suddenly came from behind her. "Daiyu!"

Yu Daiyu frowned and turned to look at him. Yan Zixin was walking slowly toward her with a broken spine.

Seeing his slow movements, the disgust in Yu Daiyu's heart instantly dissipated. She only frowned until Yan Zixin stopped in front of her and looked at her with a complicated gaze. He smiled. "Daiyu, I thought I had to wait for you until you leave work before I could see you."

"What are you doing here? Yan Zixin, how many times do I have to tell you before you understand? It's no longer possible between us!" Her low, impatience voice was enough to give him a face, considering the fact that he was injured.

Yan Zixin didn't say anything. He was no longer as arrogant as he used to be. He just looked at Yu Daiyu for a moment and reached into his pocket. He took out a beautiful little box and handed it to her.

Yu Daiyu frowned as she looked at the box. "What are you trying to do now?"

"Daiyu, I know that what I did that day in front of your company made you feel very uncomfortable. But I have no other choice. I could not think of any other way to meet you. I just want to make you happy. That's all. That's why I wanted to try every method, but I did not think you would be so decisive." Yan Zixin's eyes were completely focused on her. Then he looked at the small box in his hand. "This is the ring I bought for you before I returned to America. I know you won't agree to my proposal so easily. But I want you to know that I will wait for you. I will respect your feelings in the future and not make the same mistakes again. Daiyu, please give me another chance."