Don't Deny Me Completely So Quickly!

Yu Daiyu pursed her lips and didn't say a word. She looked at the delicate little box in front of her and found it extremely laughable.

"Yan Zixin, how old are you? Twenty-three or twenty-four years old? I want to ask, is it really fun for you to play this game with me? When I said no, that meant no! I, Yu Daiyu, can tolerate any kind of grievance in my life, but don't ever think that I will forgive betrayal! Actually, it doesn't matter if I forgive or not, because to me, these are all mistakes I made when I was young. It's all in the past, do you understand? I don't have any feelings towards you. You bothering me like this will only make me hate you even more. I find you disgusting and annoying!"

"Yan Zixin, if you want to keep all the beautiful memories you have with me, please leave my world and don't bother me anymore. No matter what you do, I won't give you anything in return. Do you understand?"

Yu Daiyu rolled her eyes and was about to walk past him when her wrist was grabbed and she was suddenly pulled backward. Her strength wasn't very great, as she wasn't prepared for this attack. She staggered back. She raised her head and saw a hint of red in Yan Zixin's eyes.

"Why?" Yan Zixin asked her with red eyes. "Why are you so heartless? Daiyu, I know you still have feelings for me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been alone for the past two years..."

Yu Daiyu pushed him away forcefully. "I haven't found the right person for me, that's why. And even if I do, it's definitely not you! Yan Zixin, you're not stupid. Can you please leave me alone? You're the one who cheated on me, and now you're the one who came back begging me with a thick face. Who do you think I am? If you tell me to scram, I'll scram. If you tell me to go back to you, I'll go back to you? Do you think the whole world revolves around you?"

Yu Daiyu took a step back to avoid Yan Zixin's outstretched hand. "Don't touch me!"

Yan Zixin suddenly laughed. "You found someone, didn't you?"

Yu Daiyu felt that this person just wanted to make a fuss for no reason. She didn't want to answer Yan Zixin again, so she walked past him and into the apartment building with a quick step.

Just as Yan Zixin was about to chase after her, Yu Daiyu suddenly stopped and glared at him. "Do you believe that I will break your spine until you can't walk anymore? Yan Zixin, I can sue you for your disruptive behavior!"

Yan Zixin stopped and looked at her coldly. "Yu Daiyu, why are you so cruel?"

Actually, it wasn't that Yu Daiyu wasn't on guard against Yan Zixin. It was just that she did not know much about his family situation. But she knew that he still had some prestige. If she offended the Yan Family just like that, she would not end up with any good results. Besides, Yan Zixin's character was so unpredictable that she could not mess around.

She said slowly, "We are not suitable."

After saying that, Yu Daiyu rushed into the apartment building. She could feel a complicated gaze on her back. She did not turn around to look, but she felt very uncomfortable inside.

In addition to her fever, Yu Daiyu coughed loudly as she walked towards the elevator. She leaned against the wall and coughed continuously as her phone rang. Coughing, she pulled out her phone and picked it up, paying no attention to the caller's name.


Wei Zhengsheng received a call from his mother asking when he had time to go on a blind date. He sat in his office looking at his phone for a while and then decided to call Yu Daiyu.

"Cough, cough ... Cough, cough ... Cough, cough ... Hello ..."

It was a hoarse "hello," and from that alone, one could tell that Yu Daiyu's condition had worsened. Wei Zhengsheng said, "If you're still sick, go to the hospital."

Hearing Wei Zhengsheng's voice, Yu Daiyu originally wanted to say that she was fine, but the words that came out of her mouth turned into a series of violent coughing fits. Coughing, she pressed the elevator button and waited for the elevator to go down. "Cough ...I'm fine."

Just as she said that, out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone enter her field of vision. She turned around. Coughing, she saw Yan Zixin enter the apartment building and walk toward her.

Her hand tightened around the phone.

Yan Zixin suddenly walked toward her and grabbed the phone in her hand. Yu Daiyu was surprised by his sudden action. As soon as he took the phone from her, she asked loudly, "What are you doing?!"

Yan Zixin turned off her phone, and when the elevator stopped on the first floor, he pushed her into the elevator and went in with her.

"Yan Zixin, are you crazy?" Yu Daiyu almost lost her balance and quickly grabbed the support that was attached to the elevator wall. She looked at Yan Zixin in shock, and it would be lying if she said she wasn't scared. Yan Zixin wasn't someone to be messed with, but she didn't want to be bothered like this either. She frowned. "Give me back my phone!"

Yan Zixin kept Yu Daiyu's phone with him and looked at her expressionlessly. "Yu Daiyu, I don't want to force you but don't deny me completely so quickly. I came back to America especially for you, and I came back to find you. Is this how you treat me?"

"Yan Zixin, we're all grown up, and this isn't the time for you to do whatever you want just like when you were in school! Give me back my phone!" Yu Daiyu held back the pain in her throat and the sound of coughing that was about to come out of her throat. She reached out to grab her phone.

Yan Zixin took this opportunity to hug Yu Daiyu's waist to prevent her from moving. With one arm around her, he brought her phone behind him.

"Give it to me!" Yu Daiyu struggled and tried to grab her phone.

Yan Zixin hugged her tightly. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Let's go to your house to talk, okay?"

"What do you want to go to my house for? Hurry up and give me my phone!"

The elevator continued to go up and Yu Daiyu didn't have much strength left. Her originally pale face was now red with anger.


On the other side, before Yu Daiyu's phone was turned off, Wei Zhengsheng could hear her panicked voice. He called her again, but the voice that answered the phone was just the operator telling him that the owner had switched off her phone.

Wei Zhengsheng frowned and put his phone on the table. At this moment, his assistant knocked on the door and put a file on his desk. "President Wei, the car to Altaira SD Company is ready. Do you want to leave now?"

Wei Zhengsheng took the file and looked at it, then he looked at the time and nodded. "Let us go now."

He stood up and was about to leave when he paused. He glanced at his phone on the table, picked it up and walked out.

A few minutes later, Wei Zhengsheng went downstairs and sat behind the driver in the car. While flipping through the file, he glanced at his phone from time to time. After thinking for a moment, he called Yu Daiyu again.

The voice of the operator could still be heard.

Wei Zhengsheng hung up the call and looked out at the sky. He looked back at the time.

"President Wei, shall we go to Altaira SD Company now?"

Wei Zhengsheng was about to nod, but then suddenly said, "Let's go to Apartment 26 on Fox Road first."