If You Don't Want To Be Taken Away By The Police, Then Scram!

Yan Zixin took her in his arms and held her on his lap, "Daiyu, I won't force you to do anything. I just want you to know that I am sincere towards you. No matter what method I use now, whether you like it or not, in the end, all I just want is results..."

Yu Daiyu closed her eyes and said nothing. She had a bad headache and yet she still had to deal with this madman. She had enough of his illusions!

"Alright, stop talking." Yu Daiyu closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I have a cold and I feel very sick. Now I also have a headache, so don't tell me too much, go and get me some medicine. I'll take the medicine and sleep. We'll talk more after I wake up."

Yan Zixin knew that Yu Daiyu was sick. Just from hearing her cough, he knew that she was very sick, but he didn't get up to help her get medicine. Instead, he looked into her eyes as if testing the credibility of her words.

"With the power of your Yan Family, if you want to find me, you can definitely find me no matter what. I can't run away, I don't have the strength. If you don't want to, I'll get the medicine myself." Yu Daiyu frowned.

Yan Zixin was very shrewd, and his way of doing things was very overbearing and straightforward. But it was true that he could find her wherever she was, and he would find out no matter which apartment she moved into.

Just like now. Wasn't it very easy for him to find this place?

Yu Daiyu coughed a few more times. Only then did Yan Zixin waver. He raised his hand and touched her forehead. "Do you really have a fever?"

"My temperature is almost 39 degrees Celsius, and yet you still want to torture me like this. Do you still have any sense of humanity left in you?"

"I'll go get the medicine." Yan Zixin helped Yu Daiyu sit down on the sofa, then stood up and said as he walked away, "Which drawer is the medicine in? Did you get the injection? I'll accompany you to get the injection after you take the medicine."

Yu Daiyu ignored him and just sat on the sofa while pointing to the cabinet in the corner of the living room. "There. There are some commonly used medicines. In the bottom right drawer. See if there is cold medicine or antipyretic medicine."

As she spoke, she carefully stood up and quickly walked to the door when Yan Zixin went to open the drawer.

However, just when Yu Daiyu had taken two steps, Yan Zixin suddenly turned around and looked at her. Seeing her about to run away, his face turned cold. He quickly walked over and grabbed her arm, tossing her back onto the sofa.

"Ah...!" Once again, Yu Daiyu was thrown onto the sofa. She felt so dizzy that she could barely see anything.

Her body was pressed down and she felt shocked. She looked up and saw Yan Zixin's cold face. She was so scared that she wanted to shrink back into the sofa, but she was pressed down by him. "What are you doing? Cough...Cough... "

"You dare to trick me?" Yan Zixin glared at her and forcefully pressed down on her arms. "I'm feeling sorry for you because your illness is too unbearable. Yu Daiyu, don't play mind games with me! You can't beat me! You want to run away again? Where can you run away to?"

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" Yu Daiyu fought back with all the strength she had. She used both her hands and feet, but she was held firmly by Yan Zixin. She glared at him angrily. "Let go! Yan Zixin, let go of me!"

As she struggled, the button of her blouse was pulled several times. The pink bra was exposed and the snow-white skin stimulated Yan Zixin's eyes. Coupled with the fact that her struggle had also affected him, Yan Zixin suddenly leaned down and kissed her.

"Ugh!" Yu Daiyu hurriedly turned her head, but Yan Zixin kissed her neck. She was so scared that she began to cry. "Don't ... Stop!"

And while she was struggling, Yan Zixin suddenly raised his hand and pulled her blouse. He unbuttoned her blouse. Ignoring her struggle, he lowered his head to nibble on her collarbone before kissing her again.

Yu Daiyu was so flustered that she couldn't break free. She screamed at the top of her lungs, but no one could hear her. Just as Yan Zixin was about to unbutton the front of her jeans, the doorbell suddenly rang.

The sound of the doorbell finally made him flinch for a moment as if he didn't expect someone to come to Yu Daiyu's place.

Yu Daiyu took this opportunity to wrap her blouse around herself. She took a deep breath and looked at Yan Zixin, then glanced at the door.

Yan Zixin knew that there were no other residents on this floor, so no one would dare to do anything to him if they heard any noise in the house. But now that someone was here, he probably wouldn't dare do anything to her.

Yu Daiyu screamed, "Help!"

Yan Zixin, who had stopped, suddenly raised his hand to cover her mouth and then lowered his head to kiss her again.



After the driver drove the car to Yu Daiyu's apartment, Wei Zhengsheng asked the company's Human Resources Department to send Yu Daiyu's specific apartment number to his phone. He had just pressed the doorbell twice when he heard faint shouts coming from inside.

He didn't know why he had asked the driver to drive here, but he instinctively thought that something must have happened after Yu Daiyu's phone was turned off. If he didn't come, there might be unforeseen consequences.

Wei Zhengsheng heard shouts from inside again, confirming his suspicions. He pressed the doorbell several more times. When he saw that no one came to open the door, he was about to call the security guard of the apartment building to open the door.

Due to the doorbell being pressed constantly, the bell ringing inside the house made Yan Zixin a bit confused. Before he could kiss Yu Daiyu, she bit him hard again, and when he groaned in pain, she mustered all the strength in her body and pushed him hard to the ground.

Yu Daiyu got up and ran to the door, and before Yan Zixin could hug her, she forcibly turned the doorknob and rushed out, not caring about anything. She felt her body had collided with someone.

Wei Zhengsheng was momentarily surprised by the sudden opening of the door and the woman who suddenly ran out. He held her body from sliding down. When he lowered his head to look, he saw a pale Yu Daiyu, then saw that her blouse was almost torn and her shoulders were completely exposed.

Wei Zhengsheng frowned and helped Yu Daiyu up with both hands. When he looked up, he saw Yan Zixin coming out from inside the house and his eyes were red with anger.

"Who are you?" Yan Zixin looked at him coldly and reached out to snatch Yu Daiyu away.

However, Wei Zhengsheng held her firmly and looked over his shoulder at the driver behind him.

The driver looked fiercely at Yan Zixin and said, "Brat, I'm warning you not to cause any trouble in front of President Wei. We heard all the noise inside this house earlier. If you don't want to be taken away by the police, then scram!"