Holding Me Tightly

Yan Zixin's spine was still injured, so he did not act arrogant when he saw the two men. He just looked at Wei Zhengsheng coldly and then looked at Yu Daiyu, who was in Wei Zhengsheng's arms, trembling. He raised his hand to rub his nose and sneered. "President Wei? President Wei of Xian Corporation?"

Wei Zhengsheng looked at him indifferently. "Mr. Yan, the last time you caused trouble in front of Xian Corporation, I still haven't yet investigated the matter further."

Yan Zixin knew what Wei Zhengsheng meant by his words. The last time he had caused trouble, Wei Zhengsheng did not intervene. Otherwise, the police would definitely not have let him go so easily.

With a cold smile, Yan Zixin looked at Yu Daiyu who was in Wei Zhengsheng's arms and walked past them. He pressed the button for the elevator.

Wei Zhengsheng did not turn to look at him. He lowered his head and looked at Yu Daiyu, who still did not raise her head.

Yu Daiyu hugged Wei Zhengsheng's waist tightly. Her whole body trembled in his embrace. She didn't cry when she was in the house, but now she was so scared that she couldn't control herself. She didn't even want to talk. She just wanted to cry.

"President Wei, I'll go down first." The driver cleared his throat awkwardly and said softly.

Wei Zhengsheng originally wanted to say "No need", but when he saw Yu Daiyu's blouse, he said, "Wait for me in the car."

The driver nodded and left.

Yu Daiyu and Wei Zhengsheng did not enter the house. They both stood outside the door. Wei Zhengsheng let Yu Daiyu hug him. He put one hand on her back and gently patted her shoulder with the other to comfort her.

After an unknown period of time, Yu Daiyu felt her legs go numb. She wiped her tears and looked at Wei Zhengsheng.

Seeing that her eyes were swollen from crying and she was still choking and coughing, looking miserable and pitiful, Wei Zhengsheng sighed and motioned for her to go inside the house. He then went inside and saw the chaos inside the house.

Yu Daiyu was still a little scared of what had just happened and didn't close the door. She stood by the door and watched his back.

Although she didn't know why Wei Zhengsheng had come here, but she was indeed grateful for his appearance.

"He did this?" Wei Zhengsheng asked as he looked at the messy living room.

But he received no answer. He turned around and saw Yu Daiyu leaning against the door as if she had no strength left in her.

Remembering how severe her fever was and how such a thing had just happened, Wei Zhengsheng walked over to her to help her. "Let's sit down."

Yu Daiyu suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She buried her face in his neck, causing his body to freeze on the spot.

"President Wei, you have to hold onto me tightly..." Yu Daiyu suddenly said from his neck. Her voice was very soft as if she had reached her limit.

Wei Zhengsheng didn't think Yu Daiyu would say something like this. He grabbed her by the shoulder and was about to help her stand up when he suddenly felt her weight in his hands.

"Yu Daiyu?" Wei Zhengsheng instinctively hugged her and saw that she had fainted. He frowned and carried her up. He laid her on the sofa and touched her forehead. It was very hot.

What Yu Daiyu meant just now was that she felt her body was reaching its limits and she was about to faint. She was afraid that if Wei Zhengsheng did not hold her firmly, she would fall.

Wei Zhengsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pulled out his phone and called his driver to have the family doctor come. He picked up Yu Daiyu and carried her to the bedroom.

Yu Daiyu's blouse had been badly torn by Yan Zixin. Wei Zhengsheng really wanted to know what had happened, and what she had gone through. But from the looks of it, the situation did not reach a serious level.

Wei Zhengsheng pulled the blanket and covered Yu Daiyu's body with it. He then glanced at the time.

Half an hour later, the family doctor went upstairs to examine Yu Daiyu's body. Since she had received an IV drip in the morning, he only gave her another bottle of IV drip to prevent her from getting dehydrated. Then he instructed Wei Zhengsheng to get some ice cubes from the refrigerator and wrap them in a towel to lower her temperature down.

When Wei Zhengsheng went to the kitchen, he saw a large box of instant noodles next to the refrigerator. He looked at the box for a moment before opening the refrigerator and taking out some ice cubes.

The doctor told him to cool Yu Daiyu's body down first, and if her temperature was still high in the evening, he would come back and give her an injection.

After sending the family doctor in front of the door, Wei Zhengsheng returned to the bedroom. Looking at Yu Daiyu who was lying on the bed with an ice towel on her forehead, he walked over to adjust the IV drip bottle hanging by her side, then took her body temperature.

He then walked over to the window and closed the curtains, blocking the blinding sunlight from entering the room.

Besides the living room that was in a mess, the bedroom was clean and tidy. Before, when he went to the kitchen to get the ice cubes, he went to the bathroom to get the towel. He found everything clean and tidy there. It could be seen that even though Yu Daiyu lived alone, she was not a slovenly girl at all.

Usually, girls like her who were in their early twenties would be spoiled by their families. They wouldn't wash the socks, didn't wash the bowls and glasses they had used, food was prepared by the servant and they didn't even like to clean the house.

But Yu Daiyu was different. It should be because of her family that she was used to being independent outside.

Wei Zhengsheng's phone suddenly rang. He hit the mute button on his phone and walked out of Yu Daiyu's bedroom before picking up the call.

"President Wei, you've been upstairs for an hour. The people of Altaira SD have called to inquire about your whereabouts." The driver said so carefully.

Wei Zhengsheng looked at the time again, thinking for a moment. He then looked back towards the bedroom and said quietly, "Tell Secretary Dai to contact Altaira SD and tell them to do something else first. I'll be there today, but I'll be a few hours late."

"Alright, President Wei. I will call Secretary Dai."

Wei Zhengsheng hung up the call and took off his jacket. He threw it on the back of the sofa. Then, he picked up a pillow from the floor and placed it behind him.

Sitting on the sofa, he picked up a few magazines from under the coffee table. They were not entertainment magazines that young girls like to read, but things related to learning material.

Casually flipping through one of the magazines, he couldn't help but smile.