Finding A New House

Yu Daiyu slept for less than two hours before she woke up. After all, it wasn't sleep but a brief coma because her body couldn't handle the strain. When she woke up, she still felt dizzy.

She was barely able to sit up when she realized her hand was punctured by a needle. She looked up at the IV dropper bottle and noticed that the bottle was almost empty.

She massaged her temples to ease the dizziness. When she raised her head again, she saw Wei Zhengsheng walking towards her. He seemed to know that she was already awake.

"You're awake." Wei Zhengsheng skillfully removed the needle from Yu Daiyu's hand and touched her forehead. "Your fever has subsided a little. If your temperature is still high in the evening, you have to go to the hospital."

Yu Daiyu looked at him with a stunned expression. "President Wei, you still haven't left?"

Wei Zhengsheng didn't say much. He just took the things Yu Daiyu had used and the IV dropper bottle and walked out.

Yu Daiyu just watched him go before she took the blanket off her and got up from the bed. She staggered out of the bedroom and saw Wei Zhengsheng throwing the things into a sanitary bag. It seemed like he was going to help her throw away the trash when he left.

Yu Daiyu didn't expect Wei Zhengsheng to be such a meticulous man. She leaned against the door of her bedroom and looked at Wei Zhengsheng's figure with a smile. "President Wei, thank you so much for today."

Wei Zhengsheng put the bag down by the door and turned to face her. After looking at her for a moment, he walked towards her. "What happened earlier?"

Yu Daiyu rubbed her temples and smiled bitterly. " It's nothing. Just my ex-boyfriend came to find me again. He is a difficult person. It's okay that he ran off with another woman, but now he's come back to find me. I thought he just wanted to pester me, but I didn't expect him to be so brave to act beyond my bottom line."

"But luckily you came just in time. Oh yes, President Wei, I haven't asked you yet. How did you know which floor I live on? Why did you suddenly come to find me?" She raised her gaze and looked at Wei Zhengsheng.

"When you hung up the phone, I heard your voice. I had a feeling that something had happened to you, so I came to check." Wei Zhengsheng went to pour water for her. "Since you're already awake, take the medicine and rest well. When you feel better, go back to work again. Consider this as paid leave, not counted as you skipping work."

"Then I really have to thank you, President Wei!" Yu Daiyu smiled as she walked to the sofa and sat down. Seeing Wei Zhengsheng pour her a glass of water, she felt a strange sense of peace and warmth.

While Yu Daiyu obediently ate her medicine, Wei Zhengsheng looked at her messy living room and said after a while, "Since your ex-boyfriend is so troublesome and he already knows where you live, it is no longer safe for you to stay here."

His words touched Yu Daiyu's heart and her lips twitched slightly. She drank another mouthful of water and her throat finally felt a little better. Then she said, "I also plan to move out. When I'm healthy, I'll look for a suitable house. The condition is that the house must be near the company. This way, it'll be convenient for me to go to work, but... Xian Corporation is located in the commercial district, so it is not easy to find a house... I have to find it slowly."

"It's not safe for you to stay here for another day. You were lucky enough to escape today, but you can't possibly make it the next time." Wei Zhengsheng looked at her, "How about this, you stay at my place for a while?"

"Huh?" Yu Daiyu was taken aback. "Your place?"

Then, a light bulb lit up in her head. "Ah, you mean the apartment where I stayed the last time I was drunk?"

Wei Zhengsheng nodded slightly. "Unfamiliar people will not be let in by the guards, so it's safer if you stay there. Move there first, then you can slowly find a new place."

Yu Daiyu chuckled. "President Wei, how can I be shameless? We have no relationship whatsoever for me to accept that. Today you helped me and stayed here to take care of me until I woke up. I am already very grateful to you for that."

"Do you want to stay or not?" Wei Zhengsheng ignored her nagging and simply asked.

"Stay!" Yu Daiyu quickly changed her previously reserved expression and nodded firmly, as if she was afraid that Wei Zhengsheng would go back on his words.

Wei Zhengsheng sighed. This girl really knew how to find a way out for herself.

"Go pack your stuff now. I'll have the driver take you there." Saying this, Wei Zhengsheng went to the door to leave so that she could change her clothes more easily.

"But President Wei, I just woke up. My world is still spinning, so I can't pack my things..." Yu Daiyu leaned back on the sofa and stared at him with a pitiful expression.

Wei Zhengsheng paused for a moment and turned to look at her. He saw her pouting and staring at him with a pair of dog-like eyes as her fingers drew circles on the sofa.

His eyelids twitched slightly.

"President Wei, why don't you help me pack? Just pack two pieces of luggage. I don't need to take everything with me. When I find a new place, I'll come back and take everything away. "

Wei Zhengsheng looked at Yu Daiyu in disbelief. When he saw the wronged look on her face as she continuously drew the circle, he was immediately angered to the point of laughing.

"President Wei, please help me." Yu Daiyu continued to encourage him.

Wei Zhengsheng wasn't a very warm-hearted person. But Yu Daiyu was indeed very sick. She had been unconscious for almost two hours. Although he could tell that she was doing this on purpose, but he also knew that she didn't have much strength left.

Wei Zhengsheng sighed. Who asked him to get involved with this girl?

"What do you want to pack?" He asked.

Yu Daiyu immediately pointed toward the bedroom with a smile. "Just pack some clothes for this season. President Wei, if you think it's appropriate, put them in my luggage. The last time I stayed at your place, there were some new toiletries that I opened up. So I don't have to bring these things with me. You haven't thrown them away yet, have you?

"I threw them away." Wei Zhengsheng walked towards her bedroom and said casually.

Yu Daiyu glared at his back. "For real?"

Wei Zhengsheng stopped his steps. He glanced at her. "You should be glad I haven't been there recently, or I'd throw them away."

Fortunately, he hadn't thrown them away yet.

Yu Daiyu snickered secretly. When Wei Zhengsheng entered her bedroom, she sat down on the sofa and thought, "Didn't Secretary Ming say the last time that Wei Zhengsheng often goes to that apartment when he works late? Then why hasn't he stayed there recently? Could it be that he has another place to stay?"