Can I Call You Zhengsheng?

"Aiya, Chuntao, why do you always bully her? Can't you see that her complexion is a little bad? Speak less."

"Who is bullying her? I'm just saying that she should be careful not to infect us with her cold."

To prove that she wasn't bullying Yu Daiyu, Qian Chuntao took out a box of cold medicine and her coat from her bag. She handed them to Yu Daiyu. "Yu Daiyu, put on this coat. The weather is a bit cold now. Later, don't forget to take this flu medicine."

After several months of working together, Yu Daiyu knew that Qian Chuntao was a straightforward person. When she had just entered the Xian Corporation, she had been ordered around by Qian Chuntao like a slave, because at that time, Qian Chuntao had no outlet to vent her anger.

So she took out her anger on Yu Daiyu, an intern who had no experience. Now that Yu Daiyu had worked with her, Qian Chuntao's attitude toward her was the same as usual.

"Thank you." Yu Daiyu thanked Qian Chuntao again. She thanked Qian Chuntao twice in a row, which caused Qian Chuntao to feel very embarrassed. Qian Chuntao ignored her and continued to talk with her other colleague.

All the way to the hotel, this journey was accompanied by laughter from colleagues and the sound of Yu Daiyu blowing her nose from time to time. Soon, they finally reached their destination.

It was already late in the evening. A row of business cars parked in front of a resort hotel in the city of Buenos Aires. Yu Daiyu got out of the car wearing Qian Chuntao's coat. The cheers of her colleagues accompanied her as she looked up at the resort hotel in front of her and sighed.

The higher-ups of Xian Corporation were really not stingy with their employees. This vacation hotel was very luxurious and 5-star.

When Yu Daiyu was about to enter the hotel with her colleagues, she suddenly caught a glimpse of an MPV car out of the corner of her eye. For some reason, she immediately turned her gaze and looked in that direction.

The back door of the MPV opened, and when she saw Wei Zhengsheng get out of the car, she immediately went into shock.

Yu Daiyu couldn't believe what she saw. But when she saw Fang Mingxia get out of the MPV, her shock and good mood disappeared instantly.

"So, the room cards have been distributed to all of you. Who else here hasn't received room cards yet? Those who have received the room cards can go into your room and rest now. We'll gather here again at 6 a.m. to have breakfast and then continue our journey tomorrow" The manager of the Planning Department led a large number of employees into the hotel and distributed their room cards.

Yu Daiyu only woke up from her reverie when her colleagues were all gone. She looked at Fang Mingxia, who was talking to Wei Zhengsheng with a smile on her face. They seemed to be talking happily, and Wei Zhengsheng's eyes also revealed a hint of a good mood.

"Yu Daiyu, do you already have a room card?" The manager saw her standing there blankly, so he went up to her and asked.

Since everyone had already gone to their rooms, there were only a few people remaining in the lobby of the hotel, so it was much quieter. The manager's question reached Wei Zhengsheng's ears.

When Wei Zhengsheng turned to look at them, Yu Daiyu quickly averted her eyes and said with a smile. "Not yet. I was standing in the back when the room cards were distributed."

"I was so confused because I still have an extra one in my hand. Here, here's your card. Go to your room and get some rest. Don't forget to drink lots of warm water." The manager said with a smile.

Yu Daiyu nodded. She took the room card and went to the elevator.

Wei Zhengsheng watched Yu Daiyu enter the elevator. Fang Mingxia asked with a puzzled expression, "President Wei, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, let's go inside." Wei Zhengsheng smiled politely. He nodded to the manager before accompanying Fang Mingxia into the elevator.

"I'm so happy to be able to go on vacation with all of you." Fang Mingxia looked at the handsome man beside her with a happy face, "My father said you are always busy. He even told me to get used to you always being busy. I thought you wouldn't have time to take me out to play, but I didn't expect you to go on vacation with me. This surprised me too much."

"It just so happens that I have the time." Wei Zhengsheng smiled, but his face was still full of politeness. He had a lot of things to do at the office, but his mother suddenly introduced him to this second daughter of the Fang Family.

Under his mother's insistence, Wei Zhengsheng had no other choice but to obey her. He followed his mother's intention and went on vacation with Fang Mingxia, who was constantly chatting in front of him.

"Can I call you Zhengsheng?" Fang Mingxia stared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, full of love.

There were many rich men who had been introduced to her in recent years, but she did not like men who were too boastful. She liked a man like the elegant and quiet Wei Zhengsheng. Although he was polite and aloof, but this proved that he was a very gentlemanly man, so she liked him even more.

"It's just a form of address."

"Then I will call you Zhengsheng. Zhengsheng, what is your favorite food? Your favorite drink? What brand of clothes do you like to wear? Or what famous watch brand do you like?"

Wei Zhengsheng could not answer for a moment. He could only look at Fang Mingxia, who was standing next to him and then sighed. He smiled politely. "I am a more casual person."

"Well, do you like sugar in your coffee? Also, you ..." As Fang Mingxia spoke, the elevator door opened. She finally stopped talking. The moment Wei Zhengsheng stepped out of the elevator, he heaved a long sigh of relief.

When Fang Mingxia entered her room, she still wanted to invite Wei Zhengsheng inside. Wei Zhengsheng claimed that he still had a lot to take care of and took this opportunity to leave.


From the moment Yu Daiyu entered her room until now, she was constantly sneezing. She got up and took two pills. Since she couldn't sleep, she decided to go out for a walk.

Just as she opened the door and went out, she was surprised to see Wei Zhengsheng walking by. She stopped in her tracks. She didn't want to run into him, so she turned around and went back to her room. She was about to close the door when Wei Zhengsheng called out to her.

"Yu Daiyu." Wei Zhengsheng saw her as he was about to go downstairs. When he passed by, he saw Yu Daiyu suddenly come out of her room, but it seemed like she wanted to go back inside and close the door, so he walked over to stop her.

Yu Daiyu's hand, which was about to close the door, paused slightly. When she looked up, she saw Wei Zhengsheng walking towards her. He stopped in front of the door and smiled at her.

"President Wei, what a coincidence."