Who Is More Beautiful?

Wei Zhengsheng smiled. He could hear her nasal voice and asked, "Didn't you catch a cold a few days ago? Why do you have a cold again?"

"It was raining when I left work on Friday. Even though I had an umbrella with me, the wind was very strong. Since I live nearby, I didn't take a cab and walked back. Lately, my immune system has been a little weak, that's why I caught a cold so easily." Yu Daiyu rubbed her nose and smiled.

"Is it very uncomfortable? Do you want me to call the driver to take you to the hospital?"

"No need. It's not as serious as the last time. It's just a cold, no cough, and no fever. I will be fine. President Wei doesn't need to worry about this matter."

Wei Zhengsheng didn't expect Yu Daiyu to be so polite to him. He just looked at her and smiled, "Okay, go inside and rest."

Yu Daiyu kept a firm grip on the door handle and remained calm and collected before nodding and closing the door to her room.

Wei Zhengsheng looked at the closed door and was stunned for a moment. With Yu Daiyu's personality, she wouldn't suddenly become so polite and distant from him. He sensed that something was wrong with her, but he didn't know what it was.

"President Wei, the breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu for the staff has already been decided. Would you like to see it?" The manager of the planning department had just finished his work and went upstairs. When he saw Wei Zhengsheng walking towards the elevator, he went up to greet him.

Originally, it was unnecessary for the manager to ask Wei Zhengsheng about this. But this time Wei Zhengsheng came on vacation with them, so it was natural for the manager to ask.

"Alright, I'll go take a look." Wei Zhengsheng immediately followed the manager and left.


After closing the door, Yu Daiyu slowly walked back to the bed and sat on it. She stared at the tightly closed door, feeling that she shouldn't do this, but she couldn't help it.

Did she really like Wei Zhengsheng?

She also couldn't tell if Wei Zhengsheng's question about marriage was a joke or not. Her eyes flashed over the scene where Wei Zhengsheng and Fang Mingxia were talking and laughing happily.

Yu Daiyu suddenly frowned and threw the pillow on the bed to the ground. She was angry, but there was no place to vent it. And she also didn't know how to vent it either. It was so annoying!

The next morning, all the employees of Xian Corporation went to the Rose Garden, and in the afternoon, they visited some famous buildings nearby, and in the evening, they went to see the famous opera in Argentina.

Yu Daiyu no longer felt as sick as before. Tomorrow, she will go to the beach to play all day. She deliberately took a hot bath that night and went to bed early so that her mental state would be better.

Just as she was wiping her hair, she heard a knock on the door. When she opened the door, Qian Chuntao and two other female colleagues quickly walked in. Seeing that Yu Daiyu had showered, Qian Chuntao asked, "You showered so early? Have you already applied moisturizing?"

"What moisturizing?" Yu Daiyu was puzzled.

"Aiya, don't be embarrassed. Everyone is the same. Everyone wants to have a good figure and skin when they wear a bathing suit tomorrow. Daiyu, your skin is so good and fair. Hurry up and tell us what skincare brand you use. Also what kind of moisturizer do you use? Lend it to us to use!"

"I don't have it..." Yu Daiyu smiled helplessly and said, "I've never used anything like that."

"Are you for real?" Qian Chuntao couldn't believe it and went to touch Yu Daiyu's face and neck. "Aiya, she didn't apply anything!"

The corner of Yu Daiyu's mouth twitched. "If you really want my skincare product, I have a box of baby cream with me. Do you want to use it?"

Qian Chuntao and the others immediately waved their hands in disdain. "Forget it. We'll just turn things our own way. There's no way we can nourish our skin with baby cream alone. You should keep it to yourself. "

"Ellie seems to have a moisturizer. Should we ask her?" A colleague suddenly suggested.

"Come on, let's go quickly and ask her!" Qian Chuntao quickly pulled them away.

Yu Daiyu laughed as she watched them run out. "Stop wandering out and go to bed early."

When they left, they forgot to close the door. Yu Daiyu was only wrapped in a towel. Seeing no one outside, she went to close the door.

Just as she was about to close the door, Fang Mingxia suddenly appeared at her door. She seemed to be passing by. When she saw Yu Daiyu in a towel, she looked down at her in disdain, thinking that Yu Daiyu was trying to seduce a man.

Yu Daiyu wasn't a vengeful person, but Fang Mingxia's haughty and arrogant attitude was unbearable. Yu Daiyu didn't even bother with her. Who cared what Fang Mingxia thought? She casually closed the door in her face.

The next day, the employees of Xian Corporation were chatting and playing around the beach happily. Yu Daiyu got out of the seawater and sat closer to the sea. She stretched her legs and sat there, enjoying the gentle caress of the sea breeze.

"Look!" Qian Chuntao and the others were at the edge of the beach, not far from Yu Daiyu. They pointed behind them and whispered to each other.

When Yu Daiyu heard this, she instinctively turned around and saw Fang Mingxia dressed in a sexy black bikini with her long hair flowing over her shoulders. Wei Zhengsheng was walking beside her, but he was only wearing a shirt and pants, as if he had no intention of going to the sea.

The two of them were talking and laughing as they walked over. In that black bikini, Fang Mingxia looked so sexy that no one could take their eyes off her.

"It looks like our President Wei's spring is just around the corner." Qian Chuntao and the others chattered on the sidelines.

Yu Daiyu was also wearing a swimsuit. Although her swimsuit was conservative and not as sexy as Fang Mingxia's, she still grabbed the towel beside her and wrapped it around her body.

"Today's sunlight is very good. Just perfect for us to play on the beach." Fang Mingxia said as she continued walking. From time to time, she would glance at Wei Zhengsheng. Although Wei Zhengsheng was talking to her, his attention was not on her at all.

Logically, any man would be tempted by her when he saw her body. Even if there was a man who would not be tempted, he would still at least look at her a few more times. This was the nature of a man, but Wei Zhengsheng's attention was never completely on her!

Fang Mingxia was always looking for topics to discuss with him. When they reached the beach, she immediately went into the water and played around.

Wei Zhengsheng smiled at her, but after she entered the water, he did not look at her graceful figure at all. Instead, he squinted his eyes and looked up at the blue sky, dazzled by the sunlight. He walked away to get a drink.

"President Wei!" Qian Chuntao and the others suddenly surrounded Wei Zhengsheng with great enthusiasm. Qian Chuntao was holding a glass of freshly opened wine in her hand and said, "Let's drink, President Wei!"

"President Wei, drink this!"

"President Wei, this wine is very good..."

Wei Zhengsheng sighed, "What are you guys doing?"

"President Wei, I have been working for Xian Corporation for three years, and in all that time, I have never seen you get too close to a woman. Everyone thought you were too cold and aloof, so they didn't dare to approach you. But now it seems that you have become a meat eater! This means we'll all have a chance! At least before you get married. President Wei, the dream man of us, the female employees, is you~" Qian Chuntao said rather boldly, teasing the big boss.

Wei Zhengsheng raised his eyebrow slightly. He seemed to be in a good mood. He took the drink from Qian Chuntao and smiled. "You girls are the jokers. I'll take this drink. You guys can go and play."

Seeing that the big boss did not take the bait, Qian Chuntao pouted and looked back at her female colleagues. Suddenly, she remembered the scandal between Yu Daiyu and Wei Zhengsheng that was raging in the company.

She suddenly looked in the direction where Yu Daiyu was lying. She pointed in that direction and said, "President Wei, look! She is the flower of our office. What do you think? Between Miss Fang and her, who is more beautiful?"