I Want To Apply Sunscreen, Do You Want To Come With Me?

Qian Chuntao used Yu Daiyu as a gun while she didn't hear their conversation at all. She was still lying on the sand with her big sunglasses on. Her slender pale legs were occasionally washed by small waves. It was so comfortable that she almost fell asleep.

Wei Zhengsheng raised his eyebrow. He looked toward Yu Daiyu and saw her lying there lazily, looking indifferent.

"Yes, President Wei. You have to tell the truth. Who do you think is more beautiful?"

"President Wei, we know there is no special relationship between you and Yu Daiyu, but you have recruited her personally. There must be some relationship like relatives or friends, right? We're very curious. Is she related to you? Or..."

Wei Zhengsheng looked at Yu Daiyu, who had almost fallen asleep. After a while, he smiled and asked, "What do you think of the relationship between me and Yu Daiyu?"

"It definitely won't be like with Miss Fang..."

Wei Zhengsheng pursed his lips. "Remember what I said before. You're all old people in the company and have contributed a lot to the company. Don't always take pleasure in bullying the newbies, and don't always think of them as a joke."

"We are not treating her as a joke, President Wei. We're just curious~"

"I also want to know. How will Yu Daiyu feel when she finds out that you've been making fun of her all day?" With these words, Wei Zhengsheng walked past them and towards Yu Daiyu.

Qian Chuntao and the other female colleagues looked at Wei Zhengsheng's back in astonishment. They immediately gathered around to discuss. "Could it be that President Wei really has something with Yu Daiyu?"

"Have you noticed that Yu Daiyu doesn't laugh much since President Wei and Miss Fang came together? She doesn't talk to us much anymore, and she seems to be in a really bad mood."

The sea breeze was blowing and the sunlight was shining on Yu Daiyu's body. It wasn't cold at all, and the seawater occasionally splashed over her toes. It was so pleasant that one would rather have time stop at this moment forever.

Yu Daiyu wore sunglasses and closed her eyes. It was so comfortable that she didn't even want to move. She was about to fall asleep when she suddenly felt a shadow fall over her body, blocking out the sunlight that made her feel so comfortable.

She frowned and opened her eyes. Through her sunglasses, she saw Wei Zhengsheng.

Yu Daiyu sat up quickly and reached for the towel. She then took off her sunglasses and squinted her eyes, which were almost blinded by the sunlight. She looked at Wei Zhengsheng, who looked very warm and handsome in the sunlight. "President Wei?"

Wasn't he with Fang Mingxia? Why did he come to her side alone?

While she was thinking, Yu Daiyu looked at the shore not far from her and saw Fang Mingxia swimming out of the sea. She looked like she was looking for Wei Zhengsheng.

"Is your cold getting better?" Wei Zhengsheng looked at the sand on Yu Daiyu's back and asked after looking at it for a moment.

"Ah, I feel better now. My nose doesn't feel sore anymore. It's just that the cold from before didn't completely go away, and then I got another cold, so it got more serious, but it's better now." Yu Daiyu said as she stood up. She stepped back to keep some distance between herself and Wei Zhengsheng so as not to misunderstand Fang Mingxia who was already walking towards them.

Noticing her slightly retreating movement, Wei Zhengsheng looked in the direction she had been looking at just now. He saw Fang Mingxia walking toward them.

"President Wei, I'm already looking for a new place to stay. I'll move as soon as I can after this vacation is over." When Yu Daiyu spoke, she didn't look at Wei Zhengsheng. Instead, she looked at Fang Mingxia, who was walking towards them with displeasure.

She didn't want to cause any trouble. It was obvious that Fang Mingxia had a bad temper. Yu Daiyu politely bowed to Wei Zhengsheng and walked away.

Wei Zhengsheng didn't say anything as he watched Yu Daiyu walk away, He just looked at her back until Fang Mingxia approached him. "I just swam for a while, and you're already gone. What are you doing here?"

"I didn't want to bother you, so I decided to take a walk and chat with my employee." Wei Zhengsheng said without batting an eyelid.

"Ah, that person just now...."

Wei Zhengsheng didn't answer Fang Mingxia's curious question. He felt that Yu Daiyu had misunderstood him.

Seeing Wei Zhengsheng just standing by the beach enjoying the sunshine and not answering her, Fang Mingxia felt it was inappropriate for her to ask any more questions. She just smiled and put her arm around his. "Zhengsheng, if you don't want to go into the water, let's sit there together. It's hot here. I want to apply sunscreen, do you want to come with me?"

The sexy topic of wearing sunscreen, along with the alluring voice, finally made Wei Zhengsheng glance at her.

Fang Mingxia smiled sweetly. "Why don't you accompany me to apply sunscreen?"

At this moment, Wei Zhengsheng's phone rang. Seeing him smiling apologetically at her before turning around to answer the phone, Fang Mingxia frowned in annoyance.

Looking at the expression on Wei Zhengsheng's face when he answered the call, it seemed like he had some important business to take care of, so she looked around in boredom.

When Fang Mingxia saw Yu Daiyu sitting alone in another deserted area, wearing her sunglasses and wanting to lie down, she forcefully rolled her eyes.

After a few minutes, seeing that Wei Zhengsheng still hadn't hung up the phone, Fang Mingxia came over to him and held his arm, saying coquettishly. "Zhengsheng, we're on vacation. Don't answer the phone anymore."

Wei Zhengsheng was talking about business with the person on the other end of the line while glancing at Fang Mingxia, who was acting coquettishly. He still smiled apologetically at her, indicating that there was something important to discuss on the phone.

Fang Mingxia angrily shook off his wrists and walked to the rest area.

Wei Zhengsheng was still standing by the beach talking on the phone while watching the waves. He walked straight to Yu Daiyu after hanging up the phone.

Yu Daiyu did not sleep this time. She originally wanted to lie down, but this position wasn't as comfortable as before. She just sat there and used the sand on the beach to plant her feet little by little.

When Wei Zhengsheng saw her childish actions, he smiled. He squatted down in front of her and took a small shovel from the side, scattering the sand at her feet.

When Yu Daiyu saw him, her original good mood disappeared immediately.