To Be Able To Ignore Everything And Only Want To Protect Him, Other Than Liking Him, There Was No Other Reason

Yu Daiyu hurriedly pushed the sand off her feet and was about to stand up. When Wei Zhengsheng saw her behavior, he immediately asked, "Yu Daiyu, I did not offend you, did I?"

Yu Daiyu paused for a moment, and her body that was about to rise stiffened. Then she sat down again. She covered her feet with sand and said, "I'm just a small employee. How can you offend me?"

"Then what's with your attitude? With a nonchalant attitude, Wei Zhengsheng said, "Is this the attitude a small employee should have toward her boss?" He smiled faintly.

Yu Daiyu looked at him for a moment and then grinned. "I'm sorry, President Wei. I do not feel well so I might not be paying attention to my attitude. I will change my attitude!"

Wei Zhengsheng smiled at her. "Yu Daiyu."

"Hmm?" She just responded with "hmm" in response.

"How is your relationship with your colleagues in the office?"

Yu Daiyu did not understand why Wei Zhengsheng asked her this question. She looked at him with suspicion. "Not bad. Just a relationship between colleagues. Not far and not close. They are both pretty good."

"Then why do they like to make fun of you so much?"

"Who's making fun of me? What kind of joke is this?" Yu Daiyu immediately turned to see her colleagues who were watching them from afar. Seeing the gossip in their eyes, she waved her hand at him. "Aiya, that's just how they are. Girls are born to gossip. After all, President Wei, you are squatting next to me and chatting with me. They must be thinking too much."

Wei Zhengsheng no longer squatted beside her. Instead, he sat next to her and looked in the same direction as her. After a while, he asked, "Has your ex-boyfriend been looking for you recently?"

"No, I only received his text messages and a few phone calls, but I didn't answer."

"Yan Zixin probably already knows where you live. The security guard of the building has called my assistant and said that there's a Mr. Yan who has been finding excuses to enter for the past two days."

Yu Daiyu was silent for a moment before saying, "I seemed to have brought you trouble. I will move out immediately after I return."

"You don't have to move out. He can't come in. The security guard just called me to confirm the relationship between Yan Zixin and me. I said a few words to the guard, and he already knew what to do. So, don't worry. Yan Zixin won't be able to bother you as long as you live in that apartment. It's very close to the company and there is a police station nearby. It should be hard for him to stop you halfway."

Yu Daiyu suddenly looked at him. She wanted to ask Wei Zhengsheng why he treated her so well, but when she thought of Fang Mingxia, she felt like she was just being sentimental.

Yu Daiyu was too quiet, making Wei Zhengsheng curious about her thoughts, so he couldn't help but ask.

Yu Daiyu paused for a moment before reaching for the sand on the ground with a smile. She dug the hole with all her might, but the hole was soon filled with sand pushed up by the small waves.

Bored, she wiped the wet sand in her hand on her calf. As she did so, she said, "Women have many things on their minds every day. Don't you think Miss Fang's thoughts are enough for you to keep guessing?"

Wei Zhengsheng looked at Yu Daiyu silently. She kept her head down while playing with the sand. He looked at her for a long time before smiling faintly. If he really couldn't see through her thoughts, he'd understand that now after hearing her words.

At that time, at the J Company's party, Xian Guiying had asked him why he didn't want to accept Yu Daiyu's kindness. To be able to ignore everything and only want to protect him, other than liking him, there was no other reason for Yu Daiyu to do that.

At that time, he only thought of it as a joke and didn't care.

At that time, he didn't want to accept Yu Daiyu's kindness because he didn't want to admit how good his life was in that childish way.

Yu Daiyu played with the sand while counting the fine grains of sand on her legs. For a long time, she didn't hear Wei Zhengsheng explain anything regarding Fang Mingxia.

It seemed that he was really in love with her. Yu Daiyu never thought that she would be jealous of Fang Mingxia.

Actually, what relationship did she actually have with Wei Zhengsheng? What right did she have to be jealous of Fang Mingxia?

Yu Daiyu suddenly stood up and patted the sand on her calf. She smiled at Wei Zhengsheng. "I'm tired and want to go rest on the deck chair under the umbrella over there. President Wei, feel free to do as you please here."

It was only when she left did Wei Zhengsheng turn to look at her. He laughed almost inaudibly.

This girl, at such a young age... She already had quite a temper.


The beach was far from the hotel where they were staying, and the next trip to the city would be made tomorrow after lunch, so they arranged to stay in a shared villa in a resort near the beach.

The second and third floors of the villa had rooms that looked like hotel rooms. The first floor was an entertainment hall with many entertainment facilities, tables, and sofas.

Yu Daiyu wasn't feeling well so she didn't come downstairs to play with everyone. She stayed in her room and watched TV until about 10 pm. After a day of playing, everyone was tired and went to bed early.

The reason why Yu Daiyu was in such a bad mood these few days wasn't because of Wei Zhengsheng.

At eleven o'clock at night, a notification suddenly appeared on her phone.

Yu Daiyu sat on the bed and hugged her knees, looking at her cell phone that was lit up.

'Tomorrow is the day of mom's death. Remember to remind dad to take some time to go sweep the grave.'

The message had been on her phone for years, and every year at 11 o'clock the night before her mother's death, it would appear on her phone.

If Yu Daiyu didn't remind her father, her father would forget to go and sweep the grave. Actually, every year when Yu Haitao went to sweep the grave, he wasn't particularly willing. But because he didn't want Yu Daiyu to be too sad, he would always take some time to buy flowers and stand in front of his wife's grave for a while.

Yu Daiyu took out her cell phone and sent a text message to Yu Haitao. Then she put her cell phone away and laid her back on the bed with her limbs wide open, staring dazedly at the lights on the ceiling.