Make Everything More Complicated To Make Yourself Feel Good

The expression on Wei Zhengsheng's face did not change. He continued to look outside at the traffic below. "Out of curiosity, may I ask you how did Yu Daiyu offend you? The contract with the honorable Luxica Company can be changed at any time because of one word from Miss Hou? Are you sure that everything will be fine after that?"

Hou Qiuyue's face turned cold. "I have my ways. I know that President Wei is very concerned about the cooperation with my father's company, not to mention that Yu Daiyu is only a small employee. It probably won't affect you in any way, so fire her or let her go on a business trip to Ireland or somewhere else. Do not let her come back for a few years."

"Looks like the two of you have a deep grudge. I just didn't expect that a small employee of my company could arouse such resentment in you, Miss Hou." Wei Zhengsheng chuckled lightly as usual.