Carefully Consider The Meaning Of Standing By His Side

"Daiyu? What happened to you?"

When Yu Daiyu had to reprint the proposal she had written due to errors, Qian Chuntao was drinking the water and observed her expression.

On the surface, Yu Daiyu looked fine and she was working hard as always. However, she had been distracted all day and had made so many mistakes that it made one wonder if there was something wrong with her.

"I'm fine." While Yu Daiyu printed the proposal, she paid attention to the papers and the photocopier. She didn't want to make another mistake. In the middle of reprinting, the machine's ink ran out, and she had to go get a new ink cartridge. But just as she was about to insert the cartridge, her hand twitched and the cartridge suddenly fell to the floor, splattering her pants and shoes.

"Aiya!" Qian Chuntao had already returned to her desk. When she heard the sound, she turned around and immediately went back to her. "Daiyu! What happened to you?"