You Saw That It Was Me, You Weren't Satisfied?

The next day at 4 p.m., Wei Zhijuan had difficulty removing the bandages on her feet. After washing the medicine off her feet, she applied some medicine to the wound on her feet and then wrapped them again with gauze. Then she walked a few steps on the ground.  Even though it was still a little stinging, at least, she could endure it.

She quickly put on makeup and styled her hair, then applied thick eyeliner around her eyes. When she was satisfied, she was about to leave, but as she went to the door to change her shoes, she paused. She returned to put Xian Yijun's coat she had washed yesterday into her bag and changed her shoes. Then she went out.

In the next few days, although the boss told Wei Zhijuan to come to work, he also took her foot injury into consideration. Therefore, she no longer ran around the bar selling alcohol but instead asked two waiters to follow her specially and help her carry the drinks. She was only responsible for taking orders.