Such A Lowly Woman

This man was certainly an experienced person in this kind of situation. He could see through her with just a glance. Wei Zhijuan casually wrapped her arms around his neck and asked him with a teasing smile. "Why do you care?"

Guo Bo chuckled as he looked at her. "My name is Guo Bo. How about you?"

Wei Zhijuan smiled and raised her eyebrow. "Nicole ~"

"I mean your real name, not the one you use in the bar." Guo Bo looked into her eyes as if he wanted to see through her, and she didn't avoid his gaze at all.  His gaze then fell on her bare neck and shoulders. Immediately, he smiled and reached out to cup her chin.

Suddenly a low exclamation sounded from the door that was not closed. "What are you guys doing?"

Guo Bo immediately let go of her. He looked at the unsightly Guo Wuying in the blink of an eye and asked, "What are you shouting about?"