You Want To Play Dirty With Laozi?!

Xian Yijun looked at him with a faint smile. "Isn't this what you're good at? It's better to be the first to strike."

"F*ck!" Guo Bo rolled his eyes as if he was going crazy. But when he saw Wei Zhijuan shivering in the cold wind, he held back his anger and frowned. "Why are you still standing there? Get into the car! Do you want to freeze to death?"

"Oh." Wei Zhijuan looked at him, then she walked past him. She opened the door and got into the car. The air conditioning was still on and it was warm. She breathed in and out deeply.

Wei Zhijuan looked at Xian Yijun, who was closing the trunk. Guo Bo didn't say a word. He opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. Xian Yijun also got in the car and sat in the backseat. He was completely indifferent to Guo Bo's feelings.