Do You Think You're A Domineering Ceo?

Wei Zhijuan immediately pushed open the door of the master bedroom. What caught her eye was a 1.8 x 2 meter bed, dark brown sheets and blankets, and a full curtain. The sunlight shining into the room from outside through the window made it feel warm and drove the chill out of her body in no time.

Satisfied, she quickly went to her luggage and took out her clothes and a few essentials. Then she opened the closet in the bedroom and saw the clothes that Xian Yijun usually wore.

There were a few suits that looked expensive and also a few casual branded clothes for men. Most of them were casual sportswear, and his clothes were almost all 185 feet tall. Thinking of Xian Yijun's height of 184 to 185 and then her own height of 166, she took out his clothes and made some gestures on her body.

The corners of her mouth twitched. Shaking her head, she quickly put all her clothes into the side that didn't have much clothes.