Silly Girl, Why Are You So Angry?

The gloating expression on Guo Bo's face suddenly stiffened. "Your battle power is really strong. Wasn't what happened earlier enough to stop you from cooking?"

Wei Zhijuan rolled her eyes. "Isn't there always a first time for everything? If so, then how am I supposed to learn? If I don't practice a few more times, how can I get better?"

"Didn't you used to rent a house yourself? If you can't cook, how have you been living these past few years?" Guo Bo raised his eyebrow.

Obviously, this was what Xian Yijun wanted to ask because he also looked at her.

Wei Zhijuan smiled calmly. "Dinner and supper at the bar. When I get home in the morning, I eat instant noodles or takeout. Then I sleep until I wake up in the afternoon, take a shower, pack up, and get ready to go to the bar to work."

"Takeout?" Guo Bo was surprised. "What takeout? Don't tell me you eat junk food like spicy beef noodles, potato noodles, sour and spicy food!"