Why Do I Feel That You're Not A Girl From An Ordinary Family?

As soon as Wei Zhijuan mentioned Jiang Ruolan's name, Xian Yijun frowned slightly, as if there were many things he didn't want to bring up and he also didn't want to touch on such a topic either.

Wei Zhijuan immediately smiled and changed the subject. "Oh that's right, you haven't been back to your family's house since you returned from America. Do you really rarely go back?"

"There hasn't been any celebration recently, no reason for me to go home, but I'll go back at the end of the month to check on things."

Wei Zhijuan resisted the urge to ask him about his past with Jiang Ruolan and stroked her stomach. "I'm hungry…"

Xian Yijun looked at the little girl in his arms and glanced at the faint red hickeys on her neck. His gaze darkened, but when those hungry eyes looked at him, then he looked at Guo Bo, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, he sighed helplessly. "What do you want to eat? I'll make it."