Temporary Happiness VIII

Wei Zhijuan had just fallen asleep for ten minutes when Xian Yijun pushed open the door of the ward. Just as he was about to enter, Guo Bo stood up and walked towards him.

Wei Zhijuan's face was as pale as paper, her lips were dry and bloodless, and the circles under her eyes were also bruised. She looked weak and lethargic.

Xian Yijun was about to go inside, but Guo Bo stood in front of him and blocked his way. He looked at him expressionlessly.

"She's asleep. Let's go out and talk." Guo Bo looked at him coldly and left the ward.

Guo Bo was always so carefree and uninhibited, rarely did he speak in such a serious tone. His demeanor also grew cold and serious. Xian Yijun did not say anything but looked at Wei Zhijuan, who was lying on the bed. He knew that if he entered now, he would only disturb her rest. He left the ward and closed the door quietly behind him.

When they left the ward, Wei Zhijuan, who was originally asleep, opened her eyes.