Temporary Happiness IX

Seeing Xian Yijun's hand stop in midair, Guo Bo's eyes grew even colder. "Not denying means acquiescing."

"Guo Bo, I don't have to justify myself to you. If I'm late, then I'm late. I admit that I owe Zhijuan, and I'll make it up to her with my own means. Like you said, she's my woman, so I know what to do." Xian Yijun still didn't answer his question.

Guo Bo frowned deeply. "We have known each other for so many years. From the beginning, I felt that your relationship with your sister-in-law was a bit strange. It was obviously a normal relationship between a sister-in-law and a brother-in-law, but your attitude towards her was never clear. I always have the feeling that you are deliberately avoiding her until I heard about your twenty-plus-year relationship with her. Then I began to suspect that maybe you have feelings that you shouldn't have toward her."