Temporary Happiness XIII

At 6:30 in the morning, Jiang Ruolan finally woke up. She was dazed for a few moments before quickly sitting up. Xian Yijun, who hadn't slept at all, pressed the blanket that fell off her body against her body.

"What time is it now?" Jiang Ruolan looked at him.

"Six thirty."

"Is there any news about Chiahao and An Na?"

Xian Yijun shook his head. Jiang Ruolan immediately got up from the bed. "I want to go to the police station! Why didn't you wake me up last night? Didn't you say that I could leave when the bottle was finished? I need to go to the police station immediately!"

"Ruolan, what you need now is to rest and wait. Even if you go to the police station, it won't do you any good."

Jiang Ruolan ignored him and continued to push him away. "Let me go! Where are my shoes? Let go of me!"